2016-03-04 30 views



The coordinates grid 
Titanium uses a grid coordinate system for layout. Grid locations are based on the system unit (platform-dependent unit). This means that by default on iOS, elements are positioned on a density-independent grid and on Android on a density-dependent grid. The net result is that on iOS, elements are positioned in visually the same locations regardless of the actual density of the screen. On Android, elements are positioned at the same absolute pixel locations and might lay out differently depending on the device. 

iPhone with either original or retina display is based on a 320 x 480 dip grid. 
iPad is based on a 1024 x 768 dip grid. 
Android device screen sizes vary. Considering these emulator examples: 

HVGA emulator is 320 x 480 px 
WVGA800 emulator is 480 x 800 px 
WVGA854 emulator is 480 x 854 px 
Remember that you can specify dp or dip units on Android (and even set an app-level default in tiapp.xml) to achieve the same density-independent grid as offered by default on iOS. 

正如我想,這最後一句的意思是,如果我設置tiapp.xml應用級默認爲DP或浸的話,我應該有一個座標網格與320像素(dip)寬度...但是當我啓動我的應用程序,Windows和視圖寬度是360 ...爲什麼?哪裏有問題?


[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.density: xxhigh 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.dpi: 480 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight: 1776 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth: 1080 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.logicalDensityFactor: 3 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.xdpi: 442.45098876953125 
[INFO] : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.ydpi: 443.3450012207031 



在Android displayCaps.platformWidthHeight總是以像素爲單位報到,而iOS上,他們總是在DP。 (來源:docs)。

