error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if (isset($_SESSION['uname'])) {
$username = $_SESSION['uname'];
else {
header('Location: login_user.php');
<title>Trinity University of Asia Voting System</title>
<img src="images/tua_logo.jpg"><marquee>Practice your right to vote.</marquee><br>
<a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="results.php">Results</a> | <a href="logout.php">Logout</a><br>
<h3>Cast Your Vote</h3>
<form action="processvoting.php" method="post">
<table cellpadding="4" border="1">
<th>Choice 1</th>
<th>Choice 2</th>
<td><input type="radio" name="president" value="pres1"> JOHN MICHAEL KALEMBE<br>College of Business Administration</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="president" value="pres2"> SUZAN JOHN<br>College of Education</td>
<th>Vice President</th>
<td><input type="radio" name="vice_president" value="vicepres1"> JULIUS SAMWEL<br>College of Medical Technology</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="vice_president" value="vicepres2"> JEUNICE MARIANO<br>College of Business Administration</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="secretary" value="sec1"> ANGELO CHRSTIAN DE GUZMAN<br>College of Medical Technology</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="secretary" value="sec1"> MICHAEL SANGA<br>College of Hospitality and Tourism Management</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="treasurer" value="treas1"> MARIE DANIELLE THEREZE VALDEZ<br>College of Hospitality and Tourism Management</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="treasurer" value="treas1"> JEUNICE MARIANO<br>College of Business Administration</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="auditor" value="aud1"> KOBI TSARLZ GONZALES<br>College of Computing and Information Sciences</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="auditor" value="aud1"> MARIAN ENTERO<br>College of Business Administration</td>
<th>Business Manager</th>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="bus_manager" value="bus1"> MICAH EDILYN TAN<br>College of Arts and Sciences</td>
<th>Public Relations Officer (PRO)</th>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="pro" value="pro1"> MARIBETH LIAMZON<br>College of Education</td>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Cast Your Vote"> <input type="reset" value="Reset">
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if (isset($_SESSION['uname'])) {
$username = $_SESSION['uname'];
else {
header('Location: login_user.php');
include 'connection.php';
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$president = $_POST['president'];
$vicepres = $_POST['vice_president'];
$secretary = $_POST['secretary'];
$treasurer = $_POST['treasurer'];
$auditor = $_POST['auditor'];
$businessmanager = $_POST['bus_manager'];
$pro = $_POST['pro'];
$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'electiondb');
if (!$conn) {
die("Connecton failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$votesql = "SELECT voted FROM student_log WHERE username = '$username'";
$query = mysqli_query($conn, $votesql);
while($record = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
$hasvoted = $record['voted'];
if ($hasvoted == 0) {
if ($president == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $president blank. Please go back and try again.";;
elseif ($vicepres == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $vicepres blank. Please go back and try again.";
elseif ($secretary == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $secretary blank. Please go back and try again.";
elseif ($treasurer == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $treasurer blank. Please go back and try again.";
elseif ($auditor == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $auditor blank. Please go back and try again.";
elseif ($businessmanager == ''){
echo "You cannot leave $businessmanager blank. Please go back and try again.";
elseif ($pro == '') {
echo "You cannot leave $pro blank. Please go back and try again.";
else {
switch ($president) {
case 'pres1':
$votepres1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'president'";
$runpres1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votepres1);
case 'pres2':
$votepres2 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice2 = choice2+1 WHERE position = 'president'";
$runpres2 = mysqli_query($conn, $votepres2);
switch ($vicepres) {
case 'vicepres1':
$votevicepres1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'vice_president'";
$runvicepres1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votevicepres1);
case 'vicepres2':
$votevicepres2 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice2 = choice2+1 WHERE position = 'vice_president'";
$runvicepres2 = mysqli_query($conn, $votevicepres2);
switch ($secretary) {
case 'sec1':
$votesec1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'secretary'";
$runsec1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votesec1);
case 'sec2':
$votesec2 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice2 = choice2+1 WHERE position = 'secretary'";
$runsec2 = mysqli_query($conn, $votesec1);
switch ($treasurer) {
case 'treas1':
$votetreas1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'treasurer'";
$runtreas1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votetreas1);
case 'treas2':
$votetreas2 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice2 = choice2+1 WHERE position = 'treasurer'";
$runtreas2 = mysqli_query($conn, $votetreas2);
switch ($auditor) {
case 'aud1':
$voteaud1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'auditor'";
$runaud1 = mysqli_query($conn, $voteaud1);
case 'aud2':
$voteaud2 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice2 = choice2+1 WHERE position = 'auditor'";
$runaud2 = mysqli_query($conn, $voteaud2);
switch ($businessmanager) {
case 'bus1':
$votebus1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'business_manager'";
$runbus1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votebus1);
switch ($pro) {
case 'pro1':
$votepro1 = "UPDATE vote_log SET choice1 = choice1+1 WHERE position = 'pro'";
$runpro1 = mysqli_query($conn, $votepro1);
$sqlforvoted = "UPDATE student_log SET voted = 1 WHERE username = '$username'";
$processsql = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlforvoted) or die (mysqli_error($conn));
echo "Thank you for voting. You may now logout of the system.<br><a href='logout.php'>Logout</a>";
else {
echo "You cannot vote more than once. <br><a href='logout.php'>Logout</a>";
<title>Voting Process</title>
// here you take the last char of $president (value 1 or 2) and concatenate it to "choice"
$choice = "choice".substr($president, -1);
$votepres = "UPDATE vote_log SET $choice = $choice + 1 WHERE position = 'president'";
$runpres = mysqli_query($conn, $votepres);
,做自己具體是指?你的意思是你想更新一個存儲在內存中的「計數」,表示有多少人爲祕書投了「這個人」,爲掌櫃投了「這個人」等等? – Webeng
在數據庫中,每個候選人的所有投票計數都設置爲0,並且如果用戶爲候選人投票,我希望它增加。但它不會增加。是的,正是你所說的!我認爲我的sql代碼有問題,但是這是我的第三次嘗試,它仍然不起作用 –
@Webeng代碼中有一些更新! – Jeff