// Initialise place-holder pointers at first and second nodes
TempPrevious = Head;
TempNext = Head -> Next;
do // Iterate until the right spot is found
// Does the new node fit between the currently selected nodes?
if ((NewNode -> Element > TempPrevious -> Element) &&
(NewNode -> Element < TempNext -> Element))
NewNode -> Next = TempNext;
TempPrevious -> Next = NewNode;
return true;
// Does the new node fit in further along the list?
else if (NewNode -> Element > TempNext -> Element)
// Has the end of the list already been reached?
if (TempNext -> Next == NULL)
TempNext -> Next = NewNode;
return true;
// Or are there still more nodes to come?
else if (TempNext -> Next != NULL)
TempPrevious = TempNext;
TempNext = TempNext -> Next;
} while (TempNext -> Next != NULL);
我已經佔了一個空列表,單個節點列表,以及一個兩節點列表,以及在列表的開始插入新節點多於兩個元素,所有這些部分都可以正常工作。我已將問題確定爲所提供的代碼中的最後一個else if
Input: 1,2,3,4,5
Output: 1,2,0
Input; 5,4,3,2,1
Output: 1,2,3,4,5
全list :: Insert()
// Insert new element
template <class Type>
bool list<Type> :: Insert (const Type& NewElement)
Node *NewNode;
Node *TempNext;
Node *TempPrevious;
NewNode = new Node;
NewNode -> Element = NewElement;
if (Empty()) // If the list is empty
Head = NewNode;
return true;
else if (Head -> Next == NULL) // If there is only a single node in the list
// If the element is less than or equal to the new one
if (Head -> Element <= NewNode -> Element)
Head -> Next = NewNode;
return true;
// If the element is greater than the new one
else if (Head -> Element > NewNode -> Element)
NewNode -> Next = Head;
Head = NewNode;
return true;
// Multi-node lists - the list has at least two existing nodes
// Initialise place-holder pointers at first and second nodes
TempPrevious = Head;
TempNext = Head -> Next;
// Does the new node go at the start?
if (NewNode -> Element < TempPrevious -> Element)
NewNode -> Next = TempPrevious;
Head = NewNode;
return true;
do // Iterate until the right spot is found
// Does the new node fit between the currently selected nodes?
if ((NewNode -> Element > TempPrevious -> Element) &&
(NewNode -> Element < TempNext -> Element))
NewNode -> Next = TempNext;
TempPrevious -> Next = NewNode;
return true;
// Does the new node fit in further along the list?
else if (NewNode -> Element > TempNext -> Element)
// Has the end of the list already been reached?
if (TempNext -> Next == NULL)
TempNext -> Next = NewNode;
return true;
// Or are there still more nodes to come?
else if (TempNext -> Next != NULL)
TempPrevious = TempNext;
TempNext = TempNext -> Next;
} while (NewNode -> Next != NULL);
delete TempNext, TempPrevious;
作業?如果不是,則默認通知:根據情況使用STL列表或向量類。 – EmeryBerger 2011-03-19 16:44:02
對不起,忘記標記爲:P – 2011-03-19 16:45:35
您是否嘗試過繪製鏈接列表的圖表,並逐行瀏覽代碼,並更改圖表以符合代碼的功能?當你有圖片時,鏈表更容易理解(我無法想象出鏈接列表算法,沒有繪製圖片!) – 2011-03-19 16:50:39