嘿,到目前爲止我已經和我得到一個空指針錯誤在我的循環 任何人都知道爲什麼? 感謝c#實例化自定義對象
board = new BoardSquare[15][];
String boardHtml = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 15; k++) {
//if (board[i][k] == null)
board[i][k] = new BoardSquare(i, k);
boardHtml += board[i][k].getHtml();//null pointer error here
* A BoardSquare is a square on the FiveInARow Board
public class BoardSquare {
private Boolean avail; //is this square open to a piece
private String color;//the color of the square when taken
private int x, y; //the position of the square on the board
* creates a basic boardSquare
public BoardSquare(int x, int y) {
avail = true;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
color = "red";//now added (thanks)
* returns the html form of this square
public String getHtml(){
String html = "";
html = "<div x='" + x + "' y='" + y + "' class='" + (avail ? "available" : color) + "'></div>";
return html;
* if true, sets color to red
* if false, sets color to green
public void takeSquare(Boolean red){
color = "red";
color = "green";
什麼的VS調試器顯示?如果連接到進程,它將在導致NRE的行上中斷,並且可以檢查變量/表達式的值。這會在以後成爲你的朋友,所以現在就習慣吧。 – 2012-05-25 00:57:08
on boardHTML?如果在循環之前將它設置爲String.Empty。它不喜歡null + = ..... –