// This class provides callbacks to the host app domain.
// As it is derived from MarshalByRefObject, it will be a remote object
// when passed to the children.
// if children are not allowed to reference the host, create an IHost interface
public class DomainHost : MarshalByRefObject
// send a message to the host
public void SendMessage(IChild sender, string message)
Console.WriteLine($"Message from child {sender.Name}: {message}");
// sends any object to the host. The object must be serializable
public void SendObject(IChild sender, object package)
Console.WriteLine($"Package from child {sender.Name}: {package}");
// there is no timeout for host
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
return null;
public interface IChild
void Initialize(DomainHost host);
void DoSomeChildishJob();
string Name { get; }
internal class MyChild : MarshalByRefObject, IChild
private DomainHost host;
public void Initialize(DomainHost host)
// store the remote host here so you will able to use it to send feedbacks
this.host = host;
host.SendMessage(this, "I am being initialized.")
public string Name { get { return "Dummy child"; } }
public void DoSomeChildishJob()
host.SendMessage(this, "Job started.")
host.SendObject(this, 42);
host.SendMessage(this, "Job finished.")
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("ChildDomain");
// use the proper assembly and type name.
// child is a remote object here, ChildExample.dll is not loaded into the main domain
IChild child = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("ChildExample", "ChildNamespace.MyChild") as IChild;
// pass the host to the child
child.Initialize(new DomainHost());
// now child can send feedbacks
感謝米哈爾和taffer! – Abby
這簡化了很多東西! – Abby
@abby - 如果我的回答很有幫助,您可以接受並投票。 –