2016-05-31 24 views


[我的書2TB /電影/ d/Deadpool(2016).MKV]


set theFolder to ((path to desktop) as text) & "Movie Rip Drop" 
set theFiles to every item of theFolder 

on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theFiles 
    repeat with aFile in theFiles 
     tell application "Finder" 
      if aFiles's name begins with "A" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:A" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "B" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:B" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "C" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:C" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "D" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:D" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "E" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:E" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "F" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:F" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "G" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:G" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "H" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:H" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "I" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:I" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "J" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:J" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "K" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:K" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "L" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:L" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "M" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:M" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "N" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:N" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "O" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:O" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "P" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:P" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "Q" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:Q" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "R" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:R" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "S" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:S" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "The" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:The" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "T" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:T" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "U" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:U" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "V" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:V" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "W" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:W" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "X" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:X" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "Y" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:Y" 

      else if aFiles's name begins with "Z" then 
       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:Z" 

       move aFile to "My Book 2TB:Movies:#" 

      end if 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
end adding folder items to 






on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theFiles 
    repeat with aFile in theFiles 
     tell application "System Events" to set fileName to name of aFile 
     if fileName starts with "The" then 
      set subFolderName to "THE" 
      set subFolderName to first character of fileName 
      set characterID to id of subFolderName 
      if (characterID < 65 or characterID > 90) then set subFolderName to "#" 
     end if 
     set destination to quoted form of ("/Volumes/My Book 2TB/Movies/" & subFolderName & "/" & fileName) 
     do shell script "usr/bin/ditto " & quoted form of POSIX path of aFile & space & destination 
     do shell script "/bin/rm " & quoted form of POSIX path of aFile 
    end repeat 
end adding folder items to 

我知道必須有一個更簡單的方法將其刪除。 :)雖然當initialLetter是一個數字時,我如何才能將它傳遞到名爲「#」的目錄,而不是最終以目錄「1」「2」等結尾?我也想將任何以「The」開頭的電影片名發送到名爲「THE」的目錄。 –


這工作,但我不得不在這裏使用或:if(characterID <65和characterID> 90) –


是的,當然,我的壞。 – vadian
