class Example {
private byte[][] data;
public Example(int s) { data = new byte[s][s]; }
public byte getter(int x, int y) { return byte[x][y]; }
public void setter(int x, int y, byte z) { byte[x][y] = z; }
for(byte b : Example) { ;/* do stuff */ }
private class ExampleIterator implements Iterator {
private int curr_x;
private int curr_y;
public ExampleIterator() { curr_x=0; curr_y=-1; }
public boolean hasNext() {
return curr_x != field.length-1
&& curr_y != field.length-1; //is not the last cell?
public byte next() { // <-- Error is here:
// Wants to change return type to Object
// Won't compile!
if(curr_y=field.length) { ++curr_x; curr_y=0; }
return field[curr_x][curr_y];
public void remove() { ; } //does nothing
是否有一個用於原始類型的模擬'Iterable',所以我可以做'for(double d:myContainerWithDoubles){}'? –
沒有for-each原型迭代器。最佳匹配是實現'PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble'並以功能性的方式使用它。 – Oroboros102