2014-03-12 41 views



你可以在沒有編譯器的情況下練習。 –


您是否想要編譯器(可以創建獨立的可執行文件),解釋器(可以運行腳本)還是交互式筆記本用戶界面?對於Ruby,我建議'irb'作爲用戶界面。請參閱https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/ – pts


實際編譯器,也是我對這些語言的新手。所以我不知道。 :-),pts – ORION



對於Perl,你想要Strawberry PerlDWIM Perl。草莓可能有你想要的一切,但DWIM只是草莓與一些額外的模塊和Padre ide:

It contains: 

    Strawberry Perl RC which itself is a standard Perl with several extensions already installed. 
    A large part of Task::Kensho, a list of recommended packages. 
    Padre, the Perl IDE 0.94. 
    Module::Version 0.12 so you can use mversion to check which version of each module you have. 
    Moose 2.0402, the post modern Object System. 
    Dancer 1.3092 to build a light-weight web application. 
    Plack and plackup 0.9985 to serve your web pages. 
    Perl::Critic 1.117, to police yourself. 
    Perl::Tidy 20101217, to keep your code nice. 
    DateTime 0.72 to make it easy to deal with dates and time. 
    SQLite 1.35, to hold your data tight. 
    MySQL 4.020, PostgreSQL 2.18.1 and DBD::ODBC 1.31 drivers. 
    Lots of additional modules... (see details in the README file.)