我想檢查兩個整數輸入是否在範圍內並且是合法的。下面的代碼就是我想到的。檢查兩個整數輸入是否在範圍內 - java
public String totalTime(){
flag = 1;
System.out.print("Enter a starting destination: ");
int choice1 = user_input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter a final desination: ");
int choice2 = user_input.nextInt();
if((choice1 >= 1 && choice1 <= 5) && (choice2 >= 1 && choice2 <= 5)){
case 1: if (choice2 == 2){hour = 0; minutes = 10;} else if (choice2 == 3){hour = 0; minutes = 30;} else if (choice2 == 4) {hour = 1; minutes = 10;} else if (choice2 == 5) {hour = 1; minutes = 5;} break;
case 2: if (choice2 == 1){hour = 0; minutes = 10;} else if (choice2 == 3){hour = 0; minutes = 25;} else if (choice2 == 4) {hour = 1; minutes = 0;} else if (choice2 == 5) {hour = 0; minutes = 15;} break;
case 3: if (choice2 == 1){hour = 0; minutes = 48;} else if (choice2 == 2){hour = 0; minutes = 23;} else if (choice2 == 4) {hour = 0; minutes = 45;} else if (choice2 == 5) {hour = 0; minutes = 12;}break;
case 4: if (choice2 == 1){hour = 1; minutes = 5;} else if (choice2 == 2){hour = 1; minutes = 0;} else if (choice2 == 3) {hour = 0; minutes = 45;} else if (choice2 == 5) {hour = 0; minutes = 40;}break;
case 5: if (choice2 == 1){hour = 0; minutes = 30;} else if (choice2 == 2){hour = 0; minutes = 15;} else if (choice2 == 3) {hour = 0; minutes = 10;} else if (choice2 == 4) {hour = 0; minutes = 40;}break;
default: System.out.println("There is no such route");
flag = 2;
else if (choice1 < 1 || choice1 > 5 || choice2 < 1 || choice2 > 5){
throw new NumberFormatException("Integer is out of range.");
catch(NumberFormatException e){
System.out.println("The number is not between 1 and 5. Try again.");
user_input.next(); //removes leftover stuff from input buffer
catch(InputMismatchException e){
System.out.println("This is not an integer. Try again.");
user_input.next(); //removes leftover stuff from input buffer
}while (flag == 1);
return ("The total time is " + hour + " hours and " + minutes + " minutes");
你的意思是在catch塊? –
OK so user_input.nextLine();在catch塊中彈出錯誤後停止隨機空行。但是我仍然想知道如何在每次輸入後打印錯誤... –
您詢問第一個輸入,然後在不檢查對錯的情況下詢問第二個輸入。只有在此之後,你才檢查數值是否在範圍內。您的程序完全按照您的要求進行。 –