2016-10-16 63 views








  1. 讓我們從最高層開始看到鏈接指向我們。如果它導致列表的末尾或大於該鍵的數字,我們需要降低一級。否則,我們按照這個鏈接並重復該鏈接引導到的節點的過程。

  2. 每當我們不能跳躍時,水平就會降低,並且每次我們都可以增加列表中的位置,所以在有限的步數之後,我們將達到零等級和一個從數字小於鍵數大於鍵的鍵。這正是應該插入密鑰的地方。


  1. 讓我們隨機生成新節點的「高度」。

  2. 當我們在搜索過程中遍歷列表,我們可以保持存儲最右邊的鏈接,每一個給定的高度數組。

  3. 對於從0到「height」的每個級別,我們創建一個從該節點到最右邊鏈接指向的節點的鏈接,並將最右邊的鏈接重定向到新創建的節點。



class Node { 
    // an array of links for levels from 0 to the height of this node 
    Node[] next; 
    int key; 

    Node(int height, int key) { 
     key = key; 
     next = new Node[height + 1]; 

// I assume that the list always has two nodes: head and tail, which do not 
// hold any values 

void insert(int newKey) { 
    // The rightmost node for each level such that the node itself has a key 
    // less than newKey but the node which the link points to has a larger key. 
    rightMostForLevel = new Node[maxLevel + 1] 
    fill(leftMostForLevel, head) 
    curLevel = maxLevel 
    curNode = head 
    // We need to find a node with the largest key such that its key is less 
    // than or equal to the newKey, but the next node in the list is either 
    // equal to the tail or a has a greater key. 
    // We are done when the level is equal to zero and the next node has 
    // a key greater than newKey. 
    while (curLevel != 0 
      or (curNode.next[curLevel] != tail and curNode.next[curLevel] <= key)) { 
     if (curNode.next[curLevel] == tail or curNode.next[curLevel].key > key) { 
      // We cannot make the jump (its too "long") 
      // So we go one level lower 
     } else { 
      // Otherwise, we make the jump 
      curNode = curNode.next[curLevel] 
      // And update the rightmost node for the current level 
      rightMostForLevel[curLevel] = curNode 
    // Now we know where the new node should be inserted 
    newHeight = random height 
    newNode = new Node(newHeight, newKey) 
    // All we need to do is to update the links 
    for (level = 0; level <= newHeight; level++) { 
     // We "cut" the links that go through the new node 
     newNode.next[level] = rightMostForLevel[level].next[level] 
     rightMostForLevel[level].next[level] = newNode 

你有什麼想法,僞代碼是什麼樣子的插入跳躍列表? – Labbiqa


@Labbiqa我添加了一個僞代碼和校正的算法的描述(唯一的變化是最左邊的實際上是最右邊)。 – kraskevich