2013-04-17 51 views


class RandomHeight 
    RandomHeight(int maxLvl, float prob); 
    ~RandomHeight() {} 
    int newLevel(void); 

    int maxLevel; 
    float probability; 

    (int maxLvl, float prob) 
    srand (time(NULL)); 
    maxLevel = maxLvl; 
    probability = prob; 

int RandomHeight::newLevel(void) 
int tmpLvl = 1; 
    // Develop a random number between 1 and 
    // maxLvl (node height). 
    while ((((rand()%1000000)*1.0/1000000) < probability) && 
     (tmpLvl < maxLevel)) 

    return tmpLvl; 

template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel> class SkipList; 
template <typename Key, typename Obj> 
class Iterator 
    typedef std::pair<Key, Obj> ValueType; 
    template <typename Key1, typename Obj1, size_t MaxLevel1> friend class SkipList; 
     // Iterator(const Iterator &); 
     //virtual Iterator& operator=(const Iterator &); 
     Iterator &operator++(); 
     Iterator operator++(int); 
     //virtual ValueType &operator*() const; 
     //virtual ValueType *operator->() const; 

     Iterator(Key, Obj, int,bool); 

     Key getKey(void) {return key;}; 
     Obj getObj(void) {return obj;}; 
     int getHgt(void) {return nodeHeight;}; 
    bool isTail(void) {return tail;}; 

     int nodeHeight; 
     Key key; 
     Obj obj; 
    bool tail; // holds non null value 
    Iterator<Key,Obj>** fwdNodes; 

template <typename Key, typename Obj> 
    delete [] fwdNodes; 

template <typename Key, typename Obj> 
Iterator<Key,Obj>::Iterator(Key k,Obj o, int h,bool t = false) : nodeHeight (h) , key (k) , obj (o) , tail(t) 
    fwdNodes = new Iterator<Key,Obj>* [h+1]; 
    for (int x = 1; x <= nodeHeight; x++) 
     fwdNodes[x] = (Iterator<Key,Obj>*) NULL; 

template <typename Key, typename Obj> 
Iterator<Key,Obj>::Iterator(int h,bool t = false) : nodeHeight (h) , key ((Key) NULL) , obj ((Obj) NULL) , tail(t) 
    fwdNodes = new Iterator<Key,Obj>* [h+1]; 
    for (int x = 1; x <= nodeHeight; x++) 
     fwdNodes[x] = (Iterator<Key,Obj>*) NULL; 
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel = 5> 
class SkipList 
    typedef std::pair<Key_T, Mapped_T> ValueType; 

    SkipList(const SkipList &); 
    SkipList &operator=(const SkipList &); 

    size_t size() const; 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> begin(); 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> end(); 
    //ConstIterator begin() const; 
    //ConstIterator end() const; 
    //virtual void clear(); 

    std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> insert(const ValueType &); 
    template <typename IT_T> 
    void insert(IT_T range_beg, IT_T range_end); 

    void erase(Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> pos); 
    //virtual void erase(Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> range_beg, Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> range_end); 

    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* head; 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tail; 
    float probability; 
    size_t maxHeight; 
    size_t curHeight; 
    RandomHeight* randGen; 
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel> 
SkipList<Key_T,Mapped_T,MaxLevel>::SkipList() : curHeight (1), maxHeight(MaxLevel) , probability (1.0/MaxLevel) 
    randGen = new RandomHeight(MaxLevel,probability); 

    // Create head and tail and attach them 
    head = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> (maxHeight); 
    tail = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> (maxHeight,true); 
    for (int x = 1; x <= maxHeight; x++) 
     head->fwdNodes[x] = tail; 

template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel> 
// Walk 0 level nodes and delete all 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tmp; 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* nxt; 
    tmp = head; 
    while (tmp) 
    nxt = tmp->fwdNodes[1]; 
    delete tmp; 
    tmp = nxt; 
    delete randGen; 


template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel> 
std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> SkipList<Key_T,Mapped_T,MaxLevel>::insert(const ValueType &input) 
    Key_T k = input.first; 
    Mapped_T o = input.second; 
    int lvl = 0, h = 0; 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>** updateVec = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* [maxHeight+1]; 
    Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tmp = head; 
    Key_T cmpKey; 

    // Figure out where new node goes 
    for (h = curHeight; h >= 1; h--) 
    cmpKey = tmp->fwdNodes[h]->getKey(); 
    while (!tmp->fwdNodes[h]->isTail() && cmpKey < k) 
     tmp = tmp->fwdNodes[h]; 
     cmpKey = tmp->fwdNodes[h]->getKey(); 
    updateVec[h] = tmp; 

    tmp = tmp->fwdNodes[1]; 
    cmpKey = tmp->getKey(); 

    // If dup, return false 
    if (!tmp->isTail() && cmpKey == k) 
    delete updateVec; 
    return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> (NULL,false); 
    // Perform an insert 
    lvl = randGen->newLevel(); 
    if (lvl > curHeight) 
     for (int i = curHeight + 1; i <= lvl; i++) 
     updateVec[i] = head; 
     curHeight = lvl; 
    // Insert new element 
    tmp = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>(k, o, lvl); 
    for (int i = 1; i <= lvl; i++) 
     tmp->fwdNodes[i] = updateVec[i]->fwdNodes[i]; 
     updateVec[i]->fwdNodes[i] = tmp; 

    delete updateVec; 
    return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> (*tmp , true); 
    delete updateVec; 
    return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> (NULL,false); 


std::pair < Iterator<int,float>,bool> a = s.insert(std::pair<int,int>(1,1)); 

它正在插入前兩次正確,但第三次發生了什麼>。< – footy


你能提供一個關於如何重現的例子嗎? – alexrider


@alexrider當我插入2次。 Everthing作品。即直到插入「2,1」的點。在插入'3,2'時失敗 – footy



您的迭代器實現違反Rule of three。如果您創建副本或分配迭代器,您將得到2個迭代器,其中fwdNodes指向相同的內存位置。一旦刪除其中一個,另一個將以fwdNodes指向已釋放的內存。


在Iterator中提供了一個合適的拷貝構造函數和overloading = operator解決方案嗎? – footy


@footy它肯定會有所幫助,並且您可能還需要包含移動操作員。 – Yakk