Public Sub SaveAttachments()
Dim Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objMsg As Outlook.MailItem 'Object
Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim MailBoxName As String
Dim Pst_Folder_Name As String
Dim Pst_SubFolder_Name As String
Dim val
Dim strFile As String
'Dim oOlAp As Object, oOlns As Object, oOlInb As Object
' Dim oOlItm As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim strFolderpath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
MailBoxName = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value
Pst_Folder_Name = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2).Value
If ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3).Value <> "" Then
Pst_SubFolder_Name = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3).Text
Set Folder = Outlook.Session.Folders(MailBoxName).Folders(Pst_Folder_Name).Folders(Pst_SubFolder_Name)
Set Folder = Outlook.Session.Folders(MailBoxName).Folders(Pst_Folder_Name)
End If
val = 1
Dim myOutlook As Object: Set myOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Dim myNameSpace As Object: Set myNameSpace = myOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Dim MailFolder As Object: Set MailFolder = myNameSpace.Folders("Folder")
' Set the Attachment folder.
strFolderpath = "C:\Projects\Savefile\"
'~~> Check if the email actually has an attachment
For Each objMsg In Folder.Items
If objMsg.Attachments.Count <> 0 Then
'''''For each statement
i = objMsg.Attachments.Count
'~~> Download the attachment
For val = 1 To i
Set objAttachments = objMsg.Attachments
strFile = strFolderpath & objAttachments.Item(val).Filename
objAttachments.Item(val).SaveAsFile strFile
val = val + 1
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
你看到什麼錯誤? – Alex