2014-07-22 85 views


我沒有在I:\ Documents文件夾中得到任何結果。

Sub SaveSelectedMailAsTxtFile() 
    Const OLTXT = 0 
    Dim currentExplorer As Explorer 
    Dim Selection As Selection 
    Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem 
    Dim obj As Object 
    Dim sPath As String 
    Dim dtDate As Date 
    Dim sName As String 

    Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer 
    Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection 

    For Each obj In Selection 
    Set oMail = obj 
    sName = oMail.Subject 
    ReplaceCharsForFileName sName, "_" 

    dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime 
    sName = Format(dtDate, "yyyymmdd", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ 
     vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, "-hhnnss", _ 
     vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & "-" & sName & ".txt" 

    oMail.SaveAs "I:\Documents" & sName & ".txt", OLTXT 

End Sub 

Private Sub ReplaceCharsForFileName(sName As String, sChr As String) 
    sName = Replace(sName, "/", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, "\", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, ":", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, "?", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, Chr(34), sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, "<", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, ">", sChr) 
    sName = Replace(sName, "|", sChr) 
End Sub 

「我沒有得到任何結果」不是問題描述。你在其他地方獲得「成果」嗎?你是否收到錯誤信息或異常?如果你在'oMail.SaveAs'行設置了一個斷點,然後在運行之前檢查'sName'的值,會發生什麼?你在那個時候在'sName'中看到了什麼?它是你期望的名字和位置嗎? –


是的,我可以看到我期望的名稱和位置,但它沒有在我的目的地保存任何數據。 – user3668427


' General Declarations 
Option Explicit 

' Public declarations 
Public Enum olSaveAsTypeEnum 
    olSaveAsTxt = 0 
    olSaveAsRTF = 1 
    olSaveAsMsg = 3 
End Enum 

Sub Export_MailasMSG() 
' Routine will take all selected mails and export them as .MSG files to the 
' directory defined by 
' Error Handling 
On Error Resume Next 

' Varaiable Declarations 
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim strExportFolder As String: strExportFolder = "I:\Documents\" 
Dim strExportFileName As String 
Dim strExportPath As String 
Dim strReceivedTime As String 
Dim strSubject As String 
Dim objRegex As Object 

' Initiate regex search 
Set objRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 
With objRegex 
.Pattern = "(\s|\\|/|<|>|\|\|\?|:)" 
.Global = True 
.IgnoreCase = True 
End With 

' Check if any objects are selected. 
If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then 
    MsgBox ("No item has been selected.") 
    ' Cycle all selected objects. 
    For Each objItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection 
     ' If the currently selected item is a mail item we can proceed 
     If TypeOf objItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then 
      ' Format the file name 
      strReceivedTime = objItem.ReceivedTime 
      strSubject = objItem.Subject 
      strExportFileName = Format(strReceivedTime, "yyyymmdd", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _ 
        vbUseSystem) & Format(strReceivedTime, "-hhnnss", _ 
        vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & "-" & strSubject 
      strExportFileName = objRegex.Replace(strExportFileName, "_") 
      ' Export to the predefined folder. 
      strExportPath = strExportFolder & strExportFileName & ".txt" 
      objItem.SaveAs strExportPath, olSaveAsTxt 
      MsgBox ("Email saved to: " & strExportPath) 
      ' This is not an email item. 
     End If 
    Next 'objItem 
End If 

' Clear routine memory 
Set objItem = Nothing 
Set objRegex = Nothing 

End Sub 

這裏是我的代碼用於此。它將取出所有選定的電子郵件並將它們作爲txt文件導出到由strExportFolder指定的文件夾中。它還會對選擇多少項目以及是否爲電子郵件進行驗證。我使用枚舉olSaveAsTypeEnum在msg和txt之間進行選擇。我通常使用txt,但爲了您的情況,我可以輕鬆地將其更改爲txt,因爲我已經設置了枚舉。我用正則表達式替換命令替換sub ReplaceCharsForFileName





我也試過編輯過的代碼。但仍然我沒有在目標文件夾中得到任何結果。我的郵件的主題名稱是PRODrpt,當我選擇這個郵件並執行宏,我沒有看到任何結果在destination.Your先前的代碼(一個沒有時間戳)是工作的主題行爲空白的所有郵件。在我的情況下,我需要運行宏與主題行文件只是空白。但每次都覆蓋前一個文件。因此,如果可能的話,請包含一個代碼,以便每次重命名文件而不是使用時間戳。 – user3668427


您可以將分配值爲'strExportFileName'的行改變爲'strExportFileName = InputBox(「在此處輸入文件名」) – Matt


該問題已經開始超出問題的範圍。我知道我的代碼適用於多個文件,並適當地重命名它們。覆蓋這些文件的唯一方法是,如果他們在完全相同的主題中以完全相同的時間進入您的收件箱中。文件名完全基於:由您定義的時間戳和主題.txt。這對個人出口工作? – Matt

"I:\Documents" & sName 




oMail.SaveAs "I:\Documents\" & sName & ".txt", OLTXT 

亞歷克斯它不工作。我無法看到目標文件夾中的任何文件 – user3668427
