2013-03-28 87 views


只有在我們的框架中,IE8使用JAWS 12,聚焦無線電元件上只讀取它的標籤,而不是傳說的那樣,我期望。


<fieldset id="eyeColor"> 
<legend>Eye Color</legend> 
<li><input type="radio" name="eye_color" id="blueEyes"/> <label for="blueEyes">Blue</label> </li> 
<li><input type="radio" name="eye_color" id="brownEyes"/> <label for="brownEyes">Brown</label></li> 
<li><input type="radio" name="eye_color" id="greenEyes"/> <label for="greenEyes">Green</label></li> 
<li><input type="radio" name="eye_color" id="otherEyes"/> <label for="otherEyes">Other</label></li> 



<div class="loading" data-bind="'visible': !Items.loaded(), 'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"> 
    <span class="spinner"></span> 
    <span data-bind="'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" aria-hidden="true">Just one moment while we access this information...</span> 
<div class="loading" data-bind="'visible': !Items.loaded(), 'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"> 
    <span class="spinner"></span> 
    <span data-bind="'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" aria-hidden="true">Just one moment while we access this information...</span> 

    <div data-bind="'css': ItemStateIdentifiers" class="Container Slide TuftsUniversityWLQ-TroubleStarting" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Well-being Module, Work Performance Subject" style="outline: none;"> 
<div class="loading" data-bind="'visible': !Items.loaded(), 'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"> 
    <span class="spinner"></span> 
    <span data-bind="'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" aria-hidden="true">Just one moment while we access this information...</span> 

<div class="loading" data-bind="'visible': !Items.loaded(), 'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"> 
    <span class="spinner"></span> 
     <span data-bind="'attr': { 'aria-hidden': Items.loaded() }" aria-hidden="true">Just one moment while we access this information...</span> 


<h3 class="title" data-bind="'html': Title, 'visible': Title">In the past 2 weeks, how much of the time did your physical health or emotional problems make it  <span>difficult</span> for you to...</h3> 
    <p class="userTip" data-bind="'foreach': Text, 'visible': Text.length &gt; 0" style="display: none;"></p> 
    <div class="QuestionGroupItemsPlaceholder" data-bind="'template': {'name':TemplateNameLookup,'foreach': NonSkippedItems}"> 
    <div data-bind="'css': ItemStateIdentifiers" class="Question LineConnectedRadio WLQ-SlowStartToDay valid"> 
<label class="questionText" data-bind="'attr': {'for': ClientName}, 'foreach': Text" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay"> 
     <span data-bind="'text': text, 'css': css" class="text">Get going easily at the beginning of the workday</span> 
<div class="line opts6" data-bind="'css': 'opts' + choices.length"></div> 
    <fieldset role="radiogroup"> 
     <legend class="accessibility" data-bind="'text':Text[0].text, 'attr':{ 'id': 'lbl-' + ClientName() }" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay">Get going easily at the beginning of the workday</legend> 
     <ul data-bind="foreach: choices, css: 'opts' + choices.length" class="opts6"> 
       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="4" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx0"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx0" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx0" class="">Difficult None of the time</label> 

       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="3" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx1"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx1" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx1" class="checked">Difficult a Slight Bit of the time</label> 

       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="2" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx2"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx2" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx2" class="">Difficult Some of the time</label> 

       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="1" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx3"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx3" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx3" class="">Difficult Most of the time</label> 

       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="0" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx4"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx4" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx4" class="">Difficult All of the time</label> 

       <input type="radio" data-bind="'value': Value, 'checked': $parent.Answer, 'attr': { 'name': $parent.ClientName, 'id': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index()}, 'trackFocus': true" name="WLQ-SlowStartToDay" value="5" id="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx5"> 
       <label data-bind="'text': Text, 'attr': { 'for': $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index(), 'id': 'lbl-' + $parent.ClientName() + '-idx' + $index() }, 'css': { 'checked': Value === $parent.Answer() }" for="WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx5" id="lbl-WLQ-SlowStartToDay-idx5" class="">Does not apply to my job</label> 




希望你找到這個資源有用:(你所描述的各種解決方案的廣泛測試)http://www.deque.com/aria-group-viable-alternative-fieldset-legend – FelipeAls


是'legend'可見或隱藏( '顯示:無;')? – unor


感謝您的鏈接,FelipeAls。現在看看。 – user2217795



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