在Windows Forms和C#中,我從TextBox類繼承。我重寫TextBox的Text屬性。一切都很順利,直到我嘗試使用TextChanged事件。 OnTextChanged事件在此處無法正常工作,因爲Text.set屬性未被調用。如何正確覆蓋TextBox.Text屬性
Initial field content 123, txpText.Text = 123
Field content changed to a , txpText.Text still 123
Field content changed to aa , txpText.Text still 123
Field content changed to aaa , txpText.Text still 123
public class ShowPartialTextBox : System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
private string _realText;
public override string Text
get { return _realText; }
set // <--- Not invoked when TextChanged
if (value != _realText)
_realText = value;
base.Text = _maskPartial(_realText);
//I want to make this _maskPartial irrelevant
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
//Always called. Manually invoke Text.set here? How?
private string _maskPartial(string txt)
if (txt == null)
return string.Empty;
if (_passwordChar == default(char))
return txt;
if (txt.Length <= _lengthShownLast)
return txt;
int idxlast = txt.Length - _lengthShownLast;
string result = _lpad(_passwordChar, idxlast) + txt.Substring(idxlast);
return result;
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ShowPartialTextBox txpText;
private void InitializeComponent()
txpText = new ShowPartialTextBox();
txpText.Text "123";
txpText.TextChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.txpText_TextChanged);
private void txpText_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = txpText.Text; //always shows 123
你有問題了。在TextBox中鍵入不會自動調用setter。我無法使用_realText = base.Text,因爲base.Text已包含更改的顯示文本。 實質上我希望Text = _realText + base.Text中的更改 – 2012-03-09 02:23:52
我添加了_maskPartial()。其中一個目標是使這個不相關。 – 2012-03-09 19:23:23