caption = "This will be the description of the image in the album and also the message that appears on the wall" # caption = '' is acceptable if you do not wish to have a message
albumid = '' # this can be the album id of a facebook album or it can be left blank
with open("test.jpg","rb") as image:
posted_image_id = GraphAPI.put_photo(image, caption, albumid)
如果你知道已經張貼的圖像的facebook imageid,理論上(根據facebook Graph API文檔中,你可以使用object_attachment在牆貼上引用所述圖像,所以代碼看起來像這樣:
msg = "This is the message that I want displayed on my wall"
imageid = facebook_image_id #to get this you will have execute a read via the graph api and select the image you want to "reference" on your wall post
GraphAPI.put_object("me", "feed", message=msg,object_attachment=imageid)