我想出了以下代碼,它創建了一個網格並允許用戶四處移動。不允許玩家在2D網格外移動Python 3
choice_size = 8
board = []
x = choice_size
y = x
for row in range(0,x):
def print_board(board):
for row in board:
print(" ".join(row))
x = choice_size - 1
y = 0
while True:
board[x][y] = "P"
board[x][y] = "."
right = ["right", "Right", "R", "r"]
left = ["Left", "left", "L", "l"]
up = ["Up", "up", "U", "u"]
down = ["Down", "down", "D", "d"]
direction_choice = input("Which direction would you like to move vertically (Up/Down)?")
if direction_choice.strip() in up:
movement_value = int(input("How far do you want to move up?"))
x = x - movement_value
elif direction_choice.strip() in down:
movement_value = int(input("How far do you want to move down?"))
x = x + movement_value
print("Please ensure that you have chosen a valid option")
direction_choice = input("Which direction would you like to move horizontally (Left/Right)?")
if direction_choice.strip() in right:
movement_value = int(input("How far do you want to move right?"))
y = y + movement_value
elif direction_choice.strip() in left:
movement_value = int(input("How far do you want to move left?"))
y = y - movement_value
print("Please ensure that you have chosen a valid option")
當我輸入一個移動將使我走出網格的底部時,出現錯誤。而且我仍然可以從板子的一側移到另一側(例如,如果我從板子的邊緣向左移動,我將最終位於板子的右側)。 我嘗試過使用Try/Except IndexError,但找不到任何解決方案。
因此,Y座標的大小將是子表的「板」中的位置而X座標是該子列表內的位置? –