2011-05-24 35 views

我試圖在桌面上用AppleScript獲取窗口索引(位置)firefox。 我已經走到了這麼遠,但我不知道如何繼續。有人可以給我一些示例代碼或線索。 : - |如何檢測firefox的窗口索引?

tell application "System Events" 
    set programs to processes whose visible is true and name is "firefox-bin" or name is "google chrome" or name is "safari" 

    repeat with program in programs 
     tell window of application program 
      #XXX do something 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
end tell 




set windowName to "some name" 
set windowIndex to missing value 

tell application "System Events" 
    set programs to processes whose visible is true and name is "firefox-bin" or name is "google chrome" or name is "safari" 

    repeat with program in programs 
     tell program 
      set windowNames to name of windows 
      repeat with i from 1 to count of windowNames 
       if windowName is item i of windowNames then 
        set windowIndex to i 
        exit repeat 
       end if 
      end repeat 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
end tell 

return windowIndex