2010-07-23 61 views

我是F#的新手,正在尋找一個取N *個索引和一個序列並給出N個元素的函數。如果我有N個索引,它應該等於concat Seq.nth index0,Seq.nth index1 .. Seq.nth indexN,但它應該只掃描序列中的indexN元素(O(N)),而不是index0 + index1 +。 。+ indexN(O(N^2))。F#中有N個不同索引的序列取N個元素


//For performance, the index-list should be ordered on input, be padding between elements instead of indexes or be ordered when entering the function 
seq {10 .. 20} |> Seq.takeIndexes [0;5;10] 
Result: 10,15,20 




let seqTakeIndexes (indexes : int list) (xs : seq<int>) = 
    seq { 
     //Assume indexes is sorted 
     let e = xs.GetEnumerator() 
     let i = ref indexes 
     let curr = ref 0 

     while e.MoveNext() && not (!i).IsEmpty do 
      if !curr = List.head !i then 
       i := (!i).Tail 
       yield e.Current 

      curr := !curr + 1 

您的指數是否有序(即從最小到最大或相反方向)? – 2010-07-24 00:34:12


只是想知道,但你正在寫什麼樣的程序,這需要索引訪問你的序列? – Juliet 2010-07-24 01:15:12


帕維爾:我們可以說他們是有序的。朱麗葉:其實,這是我爲解決和可以通過純粹的材料解決的項目歐拉問題40。但我希望我的功能解決方案看起來更好:) – 2010-07-24 08:48:36




let takeIndexes ns input = 
    // Take only elements that we need to access (sequence could be infinite) 
    let arr = input |> Seq.take (1 + Seq.max ns) |> Array.ofSeq 
    // Simply pick elements at the specified indices from the array 
    seq { for index in ns -> arr.[index] } 

seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndexes [0;5;10] 

關於您的實現 - 我不認爲它可以顯著更優雅進行。當實現需要以交錯方式從多個源獲取值的函數時,這是一個普遍的問題 - 沒有優雅的方式來編寫這些值!


let takeIndexes indices (xs:seq<int>) = 
    // Iterates over the list of indices recursively 
    let rec loop (xe:IEnumerator<_>) idx indices = seq { 
    let next = loop xe (idx + 1) 
    // If the sequence ends, then end as well 
    if xe.MoveNext() then 
     match indices with 
     | i::indices when idx = i -> 
     // We're passing the specified index 
     yield xe.Current 
     yield! next indices 
     | _ -> 
     // Keep waiting for the first index from the list 
     yield! next indices } 
    seq { 
    // Note: 'use' guarantees proper disposal of the source sequence 
    use xe = xs.GetEnumerator() 
    yield! loop xe 0 indices } 

seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndexes [0;5;10] 

+1:像往常一樣:) – Juliet 2010-07-24 01:13:42


+1謝謝:)在這種情況下,轉換爲數組是過度殺傷。我需要索引0,9,99,999,9999,99999,999999。在這種情況下,我自己的方法比數組轉換要快,而且比第二種方法快得多。但很高興看到它的功能解決方案,並且很好學習新的東西。 Ex'use' – 2010-07-24 09:00:18


在我的代碼和你的代碼中,seq [1..3]可以簡化爲{1..3} – 2010-07-24 19:03:21



let takeIndices ind sq = 
    let selector (idxLeft, currIdx, results) elem = 
     match idxLeft with 
      | []        -> (idxLeft, currIdx, results) 
      | idx::moreIdx when idx = currIdx -> (moreIdx, currIdx+1, elem::results) 
      | idx::_  when idx <> currIdx -> (idxLeft, currIdx+1, results) 
      | idx::_       -> invalidOp "Can't get here." 
    let (_, _, results) = sq |> Seq.fold selector (ind, 0, []) 
    results |> List.rev 

seq [10 .. 20] |> takeIndices [0;5;10] 



1+好吧,我會嘗試,如果我應該需要它:)但在這種情況下,我希望它應該與無限序列工作。我很抱歉沒有澄清這個問題。 – 2010-07-26 09:55:22



let getIndices xs (s:_ seq) = 
    let enum = s.GetEnumerator() 
    let rec loop i acc = function 
     | h::t as xs -> 
      if enum.MoveNext() then 
       if i = h then 
        loop (i+1) (enum.Current::acc) t 
        loop (i+1) acc xs 
       raise (System.IndexOutOfRangeException()) 
     | _ -> List.rev acc 
    loop 0 [] xs 

|> getIndices [2;4;8] 
// Returns [12;14;18] 



1+酷,在我的情況下,我認爲返回列表會提供更好的性能,因爲我只需要很多元素中的幾個元素(但在這種情況下,差異無關緊要)。但是,我最初認爲返回序列更合理,因爲我使用序列。 – 2010-08-01 19:59:02


這是一個問題,返回的結果是排序? 該算法將在輸入序列上線性工作。只需要對索引進行排序。如果序列很大,但索引不是很多 - 它會很快。 複雜性是:N - >最大(指數),M - >指數計數:O(N + MlogM)在最壞的情況下。

let seqTakeIndices indexes = 
    let rec gather prev idxs xs = 
     match idxs with 
     | [] -> Seq.empty 
     | n::ns -> seq { let left = xs |> Seq.skip (n - prev) 
          yield left |> Seq.head 
          yield! gather n ns left } 
    indexes |> List.sort |> gather 0 


let seqTakeIndices indices xs = 
    let gather (prev, xs, res) n = 
     let left = xs |> Seq.skip (n - prev) 
     n, left, (Seq.head left)::res 
    let _, _, res = indices |> List.sort |> List.fold gather (0, xs, []) 


let seqTakeIndices indices (xs : seq<_>) = 
    let enum = xs.GetEnumerator() 
    enum.MoveNext() |> ignore 
    let rec gather prev idxs = 
     match idxs with 
     | [] -> Seq.empty 
     | n::ns -> seq { if [1..n-prev] |> List.forall (fun _ -> enum.MoveNext()) then 
          yield enum.Current 
          yield! gather n ns } 
    indices |> List.sort |> gather 0 

嗯我做了一個解決方案,使用Seq.skip等,但它給了我非常糟糕的表現,比我現在。我猜你每次分配左邊都會創建另一個枚舉器? – 2010-08-01 20:04:16


有趣的是,Seq.skip是一個緩慢的功能......我認爲這些都是內部優化的。 – 2010-08-02 17:36:54


在這裏你可以找到一些答案: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1306140/f-why-is-using-a-sequence-so-much-slower-than-using-a-list-in-this -例 – 2010-08-02 17:55:01