2012-07-14 114 views

在我的代碼中,我需要計算存儲爲NSdata的HEX值的CRC-16 16位值,下面是計算c中CRC-16的代碼片段。如何從HEX值計算CRC-16?

void UpdateCRC(unsigned short int *CRC, unsigned char x) 
    // This function uses the initial CRC value passed in the first 
    // argument, then modifies it using the single character passed 
    // as the second argument, according to a CRC-16 polynomial 
    // Arguments: 
    // CRC -- pointer to starting CRC value 
    // x -- new character to be processed 
    // Returns: 
    // The function does not return any values, but updates the variable 
    // pointed to by CRC 
static int const Poly = 0xA001; 
int i; 
bool flag; 
*CRC ^= x; 
for (i=0; i<8; i++) 
// CRC-16 polynomial 
    flag = ((*CRC & 1) == 1); 
    *CRC = (unsigned short int)(*CRC >> 1); 
    if (flag) 
     *CRC ^= Poly; 


const char connectByteArray[] = { 
NSData* data = [NSData dataWithBytes: connectByteArray length:sizeof(connectByteArray)]; 

您需要做的第一件事就是將數據存儲在適當的數據類型中,而不是'NSString'。將數據轉換爲'NSData'並嘗試使用此代碼獲取CRC16值:http://svn.mulle-kybernetik.com/edframeworks/edcommon/trunk/FoundationExtensions.subproj/NSData+Extensions.m – trojanfoe 2012-07-14 10:22:33


感謝您的回答我試圖轉換它在適當的數據類型,但我沒有得到正確的答覆,我可以得到MOD總線和調制解調器CCITT CRC但不是CRC 16與0xA001多項式...任何示例或代碼片段會幫助我很多?? – Satheesh 2012-07-17 05:24:17




#include <string.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

const int order = 16; 
const unsigned long polynom = 0x8005; 
const int direct = 1; 
const unsigned long crcinit = 0; 
const unsigned long crcxor = 0; 
const int refin = 1; 
const int refout = 1; 

// 'order' [1..32] is the CRC polynom order, counted without the leading '1' bit 
// 'polynom' is the CRC polynom without leading '1' bit 
// 'direct' [0,1] specifies the kind of algorithm: 1=direct, no augmented zero bits 
// 'crcinit' is the initial CRC value belonging to that algorithm 
// 'crcxor' is the final XOR value 
// 'refin' [0,1] specifies if a data byte is reflected before processing (UART) or not 
// 'refout' [0,1] specifies if the CRC will be reflected before XOR 

// Data character string 

const unsigned char string[] = {0x05,0x0f,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x99}; 

// internal global values: 

unsigned long crcmask; 
unsigned long crchighbit; 
unsigned long crcinit_direct; 
unsigned long crcinit_nondirect; 
unsigned long crctab[256]; 

// subroutines 

unsigned long reflect (unsigned long crc, int bitnum) { 

    // reflects the lower 'bitnum' bits of 'crc' 

    unsigned long i, j=1, crcout=0; 

    for (i=(unsigned long)1<<(bitnum-1); i; i>>=1) { 
     if (crc & i) crcout|=j; 
     j<<= 1; 
    return (crcout); 

void generate_crc_table() { 

    // make CRC lookup table used by table algorithms 

    int i, j; 
    unsigned long bit, crc; 

    for (i=0; i<256; i++) { 

     crc=(unsigned long)i; 
     if (refin) crc=reflect(crc, 8); 
     crc<<= order-8; 

     for (j=0; j<8; j++) { 

      bit = crc & crchighbit; 
      crc<<= 1; 
      if (bit) crc^= polynom; 

     if (refin) crc = reflect(crc, order); 
     crc&= crcmask; 
     crctab[i]= crc; 

unsigned long crctablefast (unsigned char* p, unsigned long len) { 

    // fast lookup table algorithm without augmented zero bytes, e.g. used in pkzip. 
    // only usable with polynom orders of 8, 16, 24 or 32. 

    unsigned long crc = crcinit_direct; 

    if (refin) crc = reflect(crc, order); 

    if (!refin) while (len--) crc = (crc << 8)^crctab[ ((crc >> (order-8)) & 0xff)^*p++]; 
    else while (len--) crc = (crc >> 8)^crctab[ (crc & 0xff)^*p++]; 

    if (refout^refin) crc = reflect(crc, order); 
    crc^= crcxor; 
    crc&= crcmask; 


unsigned long crctable (unsigned char* p, unsigned long len) { 

    // normal lookup table algorithm with augmented zero bytes. 
    // only usable with polynom orders of 8, 16, 24 or 32. 

    unsigned long crc = crcinit_nondirect; 

    if (refin) crc = reflect(crc, order); 

    if (!refin) while (len--) crc = ((crc << 8) | *p++)^crctab[ (crc >> (order-8)) & 0xff]; 
    else while (len--) crc = ((crc >> 8) | (*p++ << (order-8)))^crctab[ crc & 0xff]; 

    if (!refin) while (++len < order/8) crc = (crc << 8)^crctab[ (crc >> (order-8)) & 0xff]; 
    else while (++len < order/8) crc = (crc >> 8)^crctab[crc & 0xff]; 

    if (refout^refin) crc = reflect(crc, order); 
    crc^= crcxor; 
    crc&= crcmask; 


unsigned long crcbitbybit(unsigned char* p, unsigned long len) { 

    // bit by bit algorithm with augmented zero bytes. 
    // does not use lookup table, suited for polynom orders between 1...32. 

    unsigned long i, j, c, bit; 
    unsigned long crc = crcinit_nondirect; 

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) { 

     c = (unsigned long)*p++; 
     if (refin) c = reflect(c, 8); 

     for (j=0x80; j; j>>=1) { 

      bit = crc & crchighbit; 
      crc<<= 1; 
      if (c & j) crc|= 1; 
      if (bit) crc^= polynom; 

    for (i=0; i<order; i++) { 

     bit = crc & crchighbit; 
     crc<<= 1; 
     if (bit) crc^= polynom; 

    if (refout) crc=reflect(crc, order); 
    crc^= crcxor; 
    crc&= crcmask; 


unsigned long crcbitbybitfast(unsigned char* p, unsigned long len) { 

    // fast bit by bit algorithm without augmented zero bytes. 
    // does not use lookup table, suited for polynom orders between 1...32. 

    unsigned long i, j, c, bit; 
    unsigned long crc = crcinit_direct; 

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) { 

     c = (unsigned long)*p++; 
     if (refin) c = reflect(c, 8); 

     for (j=0x80; j; j>>=1) { 

      bit = crc & crchighbit; 
      crc<<= 1; 
      if (c & j) bit^= crchighbit; 
      if (bit) crc^= polynom; 

    if (refout) crc=reflect(crc, order); 
    crc^= crcxor; 
    crc&= crcmask; 


int main() { 

    // test program for checking four different CRC computing types that are: 
    // crcbit(), crcbitfast(), crctable() and crctablefast(), see above. 
    // parameters are at the top of this program. 
    // Result will be printed on the console. 

    int i; 
    unsigned long bit, crc; 

    // at first, compute constant bit masks for whole CRC and CRC high bit 

    crcmask = ((((unsigned long)1<<(order-1))-1)<<1)|1; 
    crchighbit = (unsigned long)1<<(order-1); 

    // check parameters 

    if (order < 1 || order > 32) { 
     printf("ERROR, invalid order, it must be between 1..32.\n"); 

    if (polynom != (polynom & crcmask)) { 
     printf("ERROR, invalid polynom.\n"); 

    if (crcinit != (crcinit & crcmask)) { 
     printf("ERROR, invalid crcinit.\n"); 

    if (crcxor != (crcxor & crcmask)) { 
     printf("ERROR, invalid crcxor.\n"); 

    // generate lookup table 


    // compute missing initial CRC value 

    if (!direct) { 

     crcinit_nondirect = crcinit; 
     crc = crcinit; 
     for (i=0; i<order; i++) { 

      bit = crc & crchighbit; 
      crc<<= 1; 
      if (bit) crc^= polynom; 
     crc&= crcmask; 
     crcinit_direct = crc; 

    else { 

     crcinit_direct = crcinit; 
     crc = crcinit; 
     for (i=0; i<order; i++) { 

      bit = crc & 1; 
      if (bit) crc^= polynom; 
      crc >>= 1; 
      if (bit) crc|= crchighbit; 
     crcinit_nondirect = crc; 

    // call CRC algorithms using the CRC parameters above and print result to the console 

    printf("CRC tester v1.1 written on 13/01/2003 by Sven Reifegerste (zorc/reflex)\n"); 
    printf(" polynom    : 0x%x\n", polynom); 
    printf(" order    : %d\n", order); 
    printf(" crcinit    : 0x%x direct, 0x%x nondirect\n", crcinit_direct, crcinit_nondirect); 
    printf(" crcxor    : 0x%x\n", crcxor); 
    printf(" refin    : %d\n", refin); 
    printf(" refout    : %d\n", refout); 
    printf(" data string   : '%s' (%d bytes)\n", string, strlen(string)); 

    printf(" crc bit by bit  : 0x%x\n", crcbitbybit((unsigned char *)string, 6)); 
    printf(" crc bit by bit fast : 0x%x\n", crcbitbybitfast((unsigned char *)string, strlen(string))); 
    if (!(order&7)) printf(" crc table   : 0x%x\n", crctable((unsigned char *)string, strlen(string))); 
    if (!(order&7)) printf(" crc table fast  : 0x%x\n", crctablefast((unsigned char *)string, strlen(string))); 
