2010-07-08 112 views

好吧,據說PIL應該能夠自動與Tkinter一起工作,但我的不是。我在映像目錄Tk目錄中找到了這個文本文件。如何添加Tkinter支持PIL Python庫

Using PIL With Tkinter 

Starting with 1.0 final (release candidate 2 and later, to be 
precise), PIL can attach itself to Tkinter in flight. As a result, 
you no longer need to rebuild the Tkinter extension to be able to 
use PIL. 

However, if you cannot get the this to work on your platform, you 
can do it in the old way: 

* Adding Tkinter support 

1. Compile Python's _tkinter.c with the WITH_APPINIT and WITH_PIL 
    flags set, and link it with tkImaging.c and tkappinit.c. To 
    do this, copy the former to the Modules directory, and edit 
    the _tkinter line in Setup (or Setup.in) according to the 
    instructions in that file. 

    NOTE: if you have an old Python version, the tkappinit.c 
    file is not included by default. If this is the case, you 
    will have to add the following lines to tkappinit.c, after 
    the MOREBUTTONS stuff: 

     extern void TkImaging_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp); 

    This registers a Tcl command called "PyImagingPhoto", which is 
    use to communicate between PIL and Tk's PhotoImage handler. 

    You must also change the _tkinter line in Setup (or Setup.in) 
    to something like: 

    _tkinter _tkinter.c tkImaging.c tkappinit.c -DWITH_APPINIT 
    -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -lX11 




您正在使用哪些版本的Python和PIL(以及在什麼平臺等)?所有合理的最新版本應該已經支持所有這些必需的選項(setup.py以及Modules/Setup.dict) - 例如,包括tkappinit.c等 - 因此很難知道在真空中建議什麼」。另外,如何編譯東西(假設您需要)可能會非常依賴於平臺,所以如果您確實需要重新編譯(不太可能如此),那麼瞭解您的平臺可能很重要。


我在Mac OS X 10.6上使用Python 2.6.5和PIL 1.1.7(最新的PIL)。我使用setup.py安裝了PIL,除了當我嘗試將它與Tk一起使用時,PIL工作。 – Dylan 2010-07-08 14:55:12


這很奇怪,因爲我也有一臺運行OS X 10.6和Python 2.6的臺式機Mac,而帶Tk的PIL在這方面效果很好。 (它不在使用的計算機是MacBook Pro)。我在桌面上安裝PIL的方式與我在MacBook上的方式不同,但不幸的是,我不記得我是如何做到的。 – Dylan 2010-07-08 16:28:11


您是否也在桌面上使用2.6.5,或者使用不同的2.6,例如Apple提供的2.6?也許這可以解釋它... – 2010-07-08 17:14:02