2014-12-03 61 views


我已經創建了一個看起來像保存數據的適當結構。但是,當我嘗試運行該程序時,出現錯誤:invalid operation: dates[fields[1]] (type *Dates does not support indexing) [process exited with non-zero status]


package main 

import (

type Stats struct { 
    totalNumberOfRequests int 
type Customer struct { 
    listOfCustomers map[string]Stats // map[customerid]Stats 
type Dates struct { 
    listOfDates map[string]Customer // map[date]Customer 

var requestLog = []string{ 
    "2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery", 

func main() { 
    dates := new(Dates) 
    for _, entry := range requestLog { 
     fmt.Println("entry:", entry) 
     fields := strings.Split(entry, "'") 



......你沒有訪問該領域的。注意,在你的代碼中除了結構體定義之外,你都可以輸入'listOfDates'或'listOfCustomers'。你需要導出它們並訪問它們。 – 2014-12-03 22:10:57


@SimonWhitehead我不確定你的意思。導出如何幫助我在循環中填充多結構映射? – SunSparc 2014-12-03 22:28:08


...你不是試圖填充地圖..多數民衆贊成我的觀點。你正在索引你的「日期」和「客戶」類型..這是不可能的。爲了說明我的意思......將'日期[fields [1]] ...'改爲'dates.ListOfDates [fields [1]] ...'。這應該讓你的問題顯而易見。 – 2014-12-03 22:29:43



如果我理解你對輸出的期望,這裏有一個解決方案。然而,我不喜歡那個「客戶是一個帶有id和Stat的地圖..我認爲它應該是一個簡單的帶有兩個字段的結構(cid stringstat Stats)。日期結構也不允許同一天的多個客戶,所以我改變了映射單日期的用戶列表。



關於在結構中指針的變化 - 請參閱this issue(如在評論你的問題說明)

package main 

import (

type Stats struct { 
    totalNumberOfRequests int 
type Customer struct { 
    customerWithStat map[string]*Stats // a customer with it's corresponding stats 

type Dates struct { 
    listOfDates map[string][]*Customer // map[date]list of customers (for each date) 

var requestLog = []string{ 
    "2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery", 
    "2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery", 

func main() { 
    listOfDates := make(map[string][]*Customer) 
    dates := Dates{listOfDates} 
    for _, entry := range requestLog { 
     fields := strings.Split(entry, ",") 
     curDateStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[0]) 
     curCustIdStr := strings.TrimSpace(fields[1]) 

     if customersAtDate, dateExists := dates.listOfDates[curDateStr]; dateExists { 
      // Date already exist 
      for _, curCustomer := range customersAtDate { 
       if curStat, customerExists := curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr]; customerExists { 
        // The user has already accessed this resource - just increment 
       } else { 
        // New user - set access to 1 
        curCustomer.customerWithStat[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1} 
     } else { 
      // New Date 

      // Init the Statistic for the new customer 
      newCustomerData := make(map[string]*Stats) 
      newCustomerData[curCustIdStr] = &Stats{1} 

      // Create the customer itself 
      newCustomer := &Customer{newCustomerData} 

      // add to the current day list 
      dates.listOfDates[curDateStr] = append(dates.listOfDates[curDateStr], newCustomer) 


    // Print result 
    for date, customers := range dates.listOfDates { 
     fmt.Println("Date: ", date) 
     for _, customer := range customers { 
      for cid, stat := range customer.customerWithStat { 
       fmt.Println(" Customer: ", cid) 
       fmt.Println(" # Requests: ", *stat) 


Date: 2011-10-05 
    Customer: 1234 
    # Requests: {1} 
Date: 2011-10-06 
    Customer: 5678 
    # Requests: {2} 
    Customer: 1234 
    # Requests: {4} 
Date: 2011-10-09 
    Customer: 1234 
    # Requests: {1} 
Date: 2011-10-12 
    Customer: 1234 
    # Requests: {1} 
Date: 2011-10-13 
    Customer: 1234 
    # Requests: {2}