2012-11-27 52 views

我正在創建一個腳本,它允許我提取有關數據庫中表的數據質量的一些基本度量。我們這樣做的方式是計算每列中存在的空白字段,空值等。我有兩個截然不同的問題。第一個處理錯誤處理,第二個處理SQL I/O。SQL錯誤處理和使用Embarcadero DBArtison 9.0輸出到csv/txt

錯誤處理: 我已經創建了一個光標,將遍歷所有提供的表和列。對於90%的列我需要將其轉換爲LONG,但其他列中的某些列有字母,因此我得到無效的轉換錯誤。如何在轉換之前設置一個if語句來將列的數據類型隱藏到Varchar/Text中,以便我不會收到錯誤?


--Declare a table variable to hold your table names (and column names in case needed) 

聲明@listOfTablesToUpdate表(表名VARCHAR(100),columnNameToUpdate VARCHAR(50))



--insert the tables that you want to work with. 
--insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'aml_rec_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'customer_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'bank_num') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'peer_grp_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_crd_rating') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_income') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_net_worth') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_invest_obj') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'last_ofac_scan') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'relationship_mgr_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'relationship_typ_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'tss_kyc_risk_rating') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_addr_link_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'customer_parent_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'status_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_description_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'fin_entity') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'ultimate_parent_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'cust_create_date') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'si_lob_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'ges_ucn_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'employee_ind') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'nds_lob_cd') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'lcl_fin_entity') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'business_line') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'system_feeder_id') 
insert into @listOfTablesToUpdate values ('customer_ref', 'last_update_date') 

--Cursor for iterating 
declare @tableCursor cursor, 
     @tableName varchar(100), 
     @tableName_ret varchar(100), 
     @columnName varchar(50) 

set @tableCursor = cursor for select tableName,columnNameToUpdate from @listOfTablesToUpdate 

open @tableCursor 
fetch next from @tableCursor into @tableName, @columnName 
while(@@fetch_status = 0) 

    --dynamic sql 
    declare @sqlCommand varchar(1000) 
    declare @sqlCommand2 varchar(1000) 

    --Your logic here...this is just an example 
Set @sqlCommand = 'Select 
max(' [email protected] + ') as Max_Value_' [email protected] +', ' + 
min(' + @columnName + ') as Min_Value_' [email protected] + ', ' + 
Cast(sum (case when Cast(' + @columnName + ' as FLOAT) =0 then 1.0 else 0 end) as FLOAT) as ZeroCount, ' + 
Count(Distinct(' + @columnName + ')) as DistinctCount 

from AML.dbo.' + @tableName 

Set @sqlCommand2 = 'Select 
count(*) as Null_SpaceCount 
from AML.dbo.' + @tableName + ' 
where (' + @columnName + ' is null) or (len(ltrim(' + @columnName + '))=0 or len(rtrim(' + @columnName + '))=0)' 


    fetch next from @tableCursor into @tableName, @columnName 

close @tableCursor 
deallocate @tableCursor 

-- max(' [email protected] + ') as Max_Value`` 

你用什麼來運行腳本? –


Embarcadero DBArtison 9.0 – newToProgramming



如果您在使用SQLCMD要運行該腳本,可以使用-o output_file選項。


我沒有運行SQLCMD,因爲它未在我的網絡上獲得批准。感謝您的建議 – newToProgramming


@newToProgramming你在用什麼? –


Embarcadero DBArtison 9.0 – newToProgramming