2017-06-06 66 views


#making directories 
subprocess.call(""" mkdir %s/junctions """%(temp_dir), shell=True) 
subprocess.call(""" mkdir %s/out """%(temp_dir), shell=True) 

#opening a file with paths to other files 
with open(sys.argv[2],"r") as j: 
    #creating the output file 
    subprocess.call(""" touch %s/junctions/catjunc.txt """%(temp_dir), shell=True) 

    for line in j: 
     #reformatting the input file (not important for this question) 
     command = """awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $1, $2-20-1, $3+20, "JUNCBJ"NR"%s", $7, ($4 == 1)? "+":"-",$2-20-1, $3+20, "255,0,0", 2, "20,20", "0,300", $7, $8 ,$5 , $6}' %s > %s"""%(line[:-1].split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],line[:-1],temp_dir + "/junctions/junc.bed") 
     subprocess.call(command, shell=True) 

     # So here i basically concatenate the files. However, I also want to reduce them. 
     subprocess.call(""" cat %s >> %s/junctions/catjunc.txt """%(temp_dir + "/junctions/junc.bed", temp_dir), shell=True) 


chrom start stop ID                        count1 count2 
1  14809 14989 JUNCBJ1adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 14989 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  59  2  1 
1  14809 15815 JUNCBJ2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 15815 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  2  2  1 
1  15018 15815 JUNCBJ4adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  15018 15815 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  76  2  1 
1  15927 16626 JUNCBJ5adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  15927 16626 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  4  2  1 
1  16745 16873 JUNCBJ6adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  16745 16873 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  2  2  1 

我所有的文件看起來是這樣的。第1,2和3列是染色體和起始和終止座標。在第12和13欄中有一些重要的內容。第4列是行ID。 現在我的問題。在連接兩個文件時,我想繼續使用所有的獨特行。但是,如果有兩行,其中三個第一列全部相同,那麼我只想包括其中兩個計數列(12和13)的計數值被均值替換的兩個行中的一個。我也想追加兩個ID(現在不太重要)。



1  14809 14989 JUNCBJ1adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 14989 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 10  59  2  1 
1  14809 15815 JUNCBJ2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 15815 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  2  2  1 


1  14809 14989 JUNCBG2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 14989 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 20  41  2  1 



                                     replaced means 
1  14809 14989 JUNCBJ1adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ,JUNCBG2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 14989 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 15  50  2  1 
1  14809 15815 JUNCBJ2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0  -  14809 15815 255,0,0 2  20,20 0,300 0  2  2  1 






$ awk ' 
    a13[$1,$2,$3]+=$13    # sum field 13 
    a14[$1,$2,$3]+=$14    # sum field 14 
    $13="XX"       # set a replaceable key to $13 
    $14="YY"       # see above 
    a0[$1,$2,$3]=$0     # now store the record 
    an[$1,$2,$3]++     # count instances of $1,$2,$3 
END {         # after all the records 
    for(i in a0) {     # loop all stored records 
     sub(/XX/,a13[i]/an[i],a0[i]) # replace XXs with means 
     sub(/YY/,a14[i]/an[i],a0[i]) # and YY 
     print a0[i] }     # output 
}' file1 file2 
1 14809 15815 JUNCBJ2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0 - 14809 15815 255,0,0 2 20,20 0,300 0 2 2 1 
1 14809 14989 JUNCBG2adipose_HS110_50bp_SJ 0 - 14809 14989 255,0,0 2 20,20 0,300 15 50 2 1 

