2013-08-22 49 views


# Loop through each row in the copied table and replacing each cell with one based on the reference table. 
rows = access.SearchCursor(outtable, orfield) # Creates a search cursor that looks in the outtable for what is in the native language field. 
row = rows.next() # Establishes a variable that cycles row to row. 

while row: # Beginning of "while" loop. 
    for r in row: # Searches each letter within the searched row. 
     for o in orfield: # Searches each cell based on the searched field from the reference table. 
      if r == o: # If/Else statement for seeing if the letter being searched for in the intable (r) is identical to the letter in the orthography field (o). 
       r.replace(orfield, profield) # Replaces any identical letters with the associated pronunciation. 
       row.next() # Cycles to the next row. 




對你的一些細節有點模糊,但它似乎代碼試圖比較一個Field數據對象(創建w/for r in row)與某些輸入集中的元素,這似乎是一個字符串。除了字段與字符串的類型不匹配之外,我認爲Row對象不能像你寫的那樣迭代。你可以像得到字段:

fldList = list() 
for fld in arcpy.ListFields(r'C:\Workspace\somedata.shp'): 


for fld in fldList: 
    fldValue = row.getValue(fld) 
    ....do some regex/string parsing 
    ....if condition met, use row.setValue(fld, newValue) and rows.update(row)