2016-12-29 77 views

我想使用過濾條件提取缺陷列表。我試圖從OTA here VBA代碼,但編譯失敗與用戶定義類型下面的聲明沒有定義ALM缺陷列表失敗,'用戶定義類型未定義'

Dim BugFact As BugFactory 
Dim BugFilter As TDFilter 
Dim bugList As List 
Dim theBug As Bug 



Sub BugFilter() 

    Dim BugFact As BugFactory 
    Dim BugFilter As TDFilter 
    Dim bugList As List 
    Dim theBug As Bug 
    Dim i%, msg$ 

' Get the bug factory filter. 
    'tdc is the global TDConnection object. 
    Set BugFact = tdc.BugFactory 
    Set BugFilter = BugFact.Filter 

' Set the filter values. 
    BugFilter.Filter("BG_STATUS") = "Closed" 
    BugFilter.order("BG_PRIORITY") = 1 
    MsgBox BugFilter.Text 

'Create a list of defects from the filter 
' and show a few of them. 
    Set bugList = BugFilter.NewList 
    msg = "Number of defects = " & bugList.Count & Chr(13) 
    For Each theBug In bugList 
     msg = msg & theBug.ID & ", " & theBug.Summary & ", " _ 
      & theBug.Status & ", " & theBug.Priority & Chr(13) 
     i = i + 1 
     If i > 10 Then Exit For 
    MsgBox msg 

End Sub 

[用戶定義的類型未定義 - Excel宏]可能的重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24261557/user-defined-type-not-defined-excel-macros) –



您需要添加一個引用到OTA COM類型庫(見here);否則你的程序將不知道OTA類型,如BugFactoryTDFilter


感謝Zev Spitz爲您的輸入。上述問題現已解決。但是現在在「Set BugFact = tdc.BugFactory」中獲得另一個錯誤,因爲Object需要 –


如果答案已經解決了問題中的問題,請接受它(通過單擊答案旁邊的綠色複選框)。如果答案對你有幫助,然後點擊它(點擊答案旁邊的向上箭頭)。 –


您可能需要初始化'tdc'對象:'Dim tdc As TDConnection: Set tdc = New TDConnection' –
