2012-04-01 74 views

如何以編程方式製作NSView,以便用戶可以使用鼠標移動其位置?我需要將哪些屬性分配給視圖?謝謝!Draggable NSView

newView = [helpWindow contentView]; 
    [contentView addSubview:newView]; 
    //add properties of newView to be able to respond to touch and can be draggable 




-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *) theEvent{ 
    self.mouseLoc = [theEvent locationInWindow]; 
    self.movingTile = [self hitTest:self.mouseLoc]; //returns the object clicked on 
    int tagID = self.movingTile.tag; 
    if (tagID > 0 && tagID < 8) { 
     [self.viewsList exchangeObjectAtIndex:[self.viewsList indexOfObject:self.movingTile] withObjectAtIndex: 20]; // 20 is the highest index in the array in this case 
     [self setSubviews:self.viewsList]; //Reorder's the subviews so the picked up tile always appears on top 
     self.hit = 1; 
     NSPoint cLoc = [self.movingTile convertPoint:self.mouseLoc fromView:nil]; 
     NSPoint loc = NSMakePoint(self.mouseLoc.x - cLoc.x, self.mouseLoc.y - cLoc.y); 
     [self.movingTile setFrameOrigin:loc]; 
     self.kX = cLoc.x; //this is the x offset between where the mouse was clicked and "movingTile's" x origin 
     self.kY = cLoc.y; //this is the y offset between where the mouse was clicked and "movingTile's" y origin 

-(void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { 
    if (self.hit == 1) { 
     self.mouseLoc = [theEvent locationInWindow]; 
     NSPoint newLoc = NSMakePoint(self.mouseLoc.x - self.kX, self.mouseLoc.y - self.kY); 
     [self.movingTile setFrameOrigin:newLoc]; 
