2015-06-12 55 views

在OpenLayers 2的OverviewMapControl中,您可以拖動「框」來移動地圖。OpenLayers3:Draggable OverviewMapControl

中的OpenLayers 3




var dragging = null; 
var getMap = this.getMap.bind(this); //during ctor of a control, we have no access to the map ! 
$(document.body).on("mousemove", function (e) { 
    if (dragging) { 
      top: e.pageY, 
      left: e.pageX 

$(box).on("mousedown", function (e) { 
    dragging = { 
     el: $(e.target) 

$(document.body).on("mouseup", function (e) { 
    if (dragging) { 
     var coords = ovmap.getEventCoordinate(e.originalEvent); 
     //TODO: taking event coordinates is not good, we must use center of the box coordinates 
     //the problem is that ovmap.getCoordinateFromPixel(dragging.el.offset()) is not working at all because we need to adjust ovmap viewport 
     dragging = null; 




* Mostly a big copy/paste from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openlayers/ol3/master/src/ol/control/overviewmapcontrol.js 
* without rotation and zoom/dezoom plus some adapations from http://ol3.qtibia.ro/build/examples/overviewmap-custom-drag.html 
* to add the possibility to drag the box on the minimap to move the main map 
ol.control.CustomOverviewMap = function (opt_options) { 
    var options = typeof opt_options !== 'undefined' ? opt_options : {}; 
    this.collapsed_ = typeof options.collapsed !== 'undefined' ? options.collapsed : true; 
    this.onCollapseOrExpand = options.onCollapseOrExpand || function() { }; 
    this.needFirstRenderUpdate_ = this.collapsed_; //prepare the hack to render the map when uncollapsed the first time 

    var tipLabel = typeof options.tipLabel !== 'undefined' ? options.tipLabel : 'Overview map'; 
    this.collapseLabel_ = $('<span>\u00BB</span>').get(0); 
    this.label_ = $('<span>\u00AB</span>').get(0); 
    var activeLabel = (!this.collapsed_) ? this.collapseLabel_ : this.label_; 
    var button = $('<button type="button" title="{0}"></button>'.replace('{0}', tipLabel)).append(activeLabel); 
    button.on('click', this.handleClick_.bind(this)); 
    button.on('mouseout', function() { this.blur(); }); 
    button.on('focusout', function() { this.blur(); }); 

    var ovmapDiv = $('<div class="ol-overviewmap-map"></div>').get(0); 
    this.ovmap_ = new ol.Map({ 
     controls: new ol.Collection(), 
     interactions: new ol.Collection(), 
     layers: [options.tileLayer], 
     target: ovmapDiv, 
     view: new ol.View(opt_options.view) 

    var box = $('<div class="ol-overviewmap-box"></div>'); 
    this.boxOverlay_ = new ol.Overlay({ 
     position: [0, 0], 
     positioning: 'bottom-left', 
     element: box.get(0) 

    var cssClasses = 'ol-overviewmap ol-unselectable ol-control' + 
     (this.collapsed_ ? ' ol-collapsed' : ''); 
    var element = $('<div class="{0}"></div>'.replace('{0}', cssClasses)).append(ovmapDiv).append(button).get(0);  

    ol.control.Control.call(this, { 
     element: element, 
     render: ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.render 

    // deal with dragable minimap 
    this.dragging = null; 
    box.on("mousedown", this.onStartDrag.bind(this)); 
    $(document.body).on("mousemove", this.onDrag.bind(this));  
    $(document.body).on("mouseup", this.onEndDrag.bind(this)); 
ol.inherits(ol.control.CustomOverviewMap, ol.control.Control); 

ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.prototype.onStartDrag = function (e) { 
    // remember some data to use during onDrag or onDragEnd 
    var box = $(e.target); 
    this.dragging = { 
     el: box, 
     evPos: { top: e.pageY, left: e.pageX }, 
     elPos: box.offset() 

ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.prototype.onDrag = function (e) { 
    if (this.dragging) { 
     //set the position of the box to be oldPos+translation(ev) 
     var curOffset = this.dragging.el.offset(); 
     var newOffset = { 
      top: curOffset.top + (e.pageY - this.dragging.evPos.top), 
      left: curOffset.left + (e.pageX - this.dragging.evPos.left) 
     this.dragging.evPos = { top: e.pageY, left: e.pageX }; 

ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.prototype.onEndDrag = function (e) { 
    if (this.dragging) { 
     //see ol3.qtibia.ro href at the top of the class to understand this 
     var map = this.getMap(); 
     var offset = this.dragging.el.position(); 
     var divSize = [this.dragging.el.width(), this.dragging.el.height()]; 
     var mapSize = map.getSize(); 
     var c = map.getView().getResolution(); 
     var xMove = offset.left * (Math.abs(mapSize[0]/divSize[0])); 
     var yMove = offset.top * (Math.abs(mapSize[1]/divSize[1])); 
     var bottomLeft = [0 + xMove, mapSize[1] + yMove]; 
     var topRight = [mapSize[0] + xMove, 0 + yMove]; 
     var left = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(bottomLeft); 
     var top = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(topRight); 
     var extent = [left[0], left[1], top[0], top[1]];   
     map.getView().fitExtent(extent, map.getSize()); 
     //reset the element at the original position so that when the main map will trigger 
     //the moveend event, this event will be replayed on the box of the minimap 
     this.dragging = null; 

ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.render = function (mapEvent) { 
    //see original OverviewMap href at the top of the class to understand this 
    var map = this.getMap(); 
    var ovmap = this.ovmap_; 
    var mapSize = map.getSize(); 
    var view = map.getView(); 
    var ovview = ovmap.getView(); 
    var overlay = this.boxOverlay_; 
    var box = this.boxOverlay_.getElement(); 
    var extent = view.calculateExtent(mapSize); 
    var ovresolution = ovview.getResolution(); 
    var bottomLeft = ol.extent.getBottomLeft(extent); 
    var topRight = ol.extent.getTopRight(extent); 
    // set box size calculated from map extent size and overview map resolution 
    if (box) { 
     var boxWidth = Math.abs((bottomLeft[0] - topRight[0])/ovresolution); 
     var boxHeight = Math.abs((topRight[1] - bottomLeft[1])/ovresolution); 

ol.control.CustomOverviewMap.prototype.handleClick_ = function (event) {  

    this.collapsed_ = !this.collapsed_;  
    // change label 
    if (this.collapsed_) { 
     this.collapseLabel_.parentNode.replaceChild(this.label_, this.collapseLabel_); 
    } else {   
     this.label_.parentNode.replaceChild(this.collapseLabel_, this.label_);   

    // manage overview map if it had not been rendered before and control is expanded  
    if (!this.collapsed_ && this.needFirstRenderUpdate_) { 
     this.needFirstRenderUpdate_ = false; 
     this.ovmap_.once("postrender", function() { 

    //trigger event 

看起來不錯,只是缺少一個工作演示! –