我一直在玩一些多線程圖像處理代碼,讀取圖像並將其轉換爲灰度2種方式 - 依次,然後並行,所以我可以比較兩者的區別。Java - 多線程在很長的時間很小的圖像
我做的一件事是做一個絕對小圖像,只有4 x 4px的一個純色。順序版本通常在大約20ms內運行,並且(4線程)並行版本有時會這樣做,但有時它似乎會「卡住」並花費很長時間,有時甚至長達1.5秒。這似乎不會發生(?)少於4個線程,所以我只是想知道是什麼原因導致它減慢了這麼多?我有一些想法,主要是可能是爲很小的圖像設置多個線程的開銷不值得,但1.5秒是需要等待的很長時間,比任何線程創建時都要多高架。
public final class PixelsManipulation{
private static Sequential sequentialGrayscaler = new Sequential();
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException {
File file = new File("src/pixelsmanipulation/hiresimage.jpg");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(fis); //reading the image file
int rows = 2; // 2 rows and 2 cols will split the image into quarters
int cols = 2;
int chunks = rows * cols; // 4 chunks, one for each quarter of the image
int chunkWidth = image.getWidth()/cols; // determines the chunk width and height
int chunkHeight = image.getHeight()/rows;
int count = 0;
BufferedImage imgs[] = new BufferedImage[chunks]; // Array to hold image chunks
for (int x = 0; x < rows; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < cols; y++) {
//Initialize the image array with image chunks
imgs[count] = new BufferedImage(chunkWidth, chunkHeight, image.getType());
// draws the image chunk
Graphics2D gr = imgs[count++].createGraphics(); // Actually create an image for us to use
gr.drawImage(image, 0, 0, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, chunkWidth * y, chunkHeight * x, chunkWidth * y + chunkWidth, chunkHeight * x + chunkHeight, null);
//writing mini images into image files
for (int i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
ImageIO.write(imgs[i], "jpg", new File("img" + i + ".jpg"));
System.out.println("Mini images created");
// Start threads with their respective quarters (chunks) of the image to work on
// I have a quad-core machine, so I can only use 4 threads on my CPU
Parallel parallelGrayscaler = new Parallel("thread-1", imgs[0]);
Parallel parallelGrayscaler2 = new Parallel("thread-2", imgs[1]);
Parallel parallelGrayscaler3 = new Parallel("thread-3", imgs[2]);
Parallel parallelGrayscaler4 = new Parallel("thread-4", imgs[3]);
// Sequential:
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;
System.out.println("Sequential code executed in " + elapsedTime + " ms.");
// Multithreaded (parallel):
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Main waits for threads to finish so that the program doesn't "end" (i.e. stop measuring time) before the threads finish
stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;
System.out.println("Multithreaded (parallel) code executed in " + elapsedTime + " ms.");
// Let each of the 4 threads work on a different quarter of the image
public class Parallel extends Thread{//implements Runnable{
private String threadName;
private BufferedImage myImage; // Calling it "my" image because each thread will have its own unique quarter of the image to work on
private int width, height; // Image params
Parallel(String name, BufferedImage image){
threadName = name;
System.out.println("Creating "+ threadName);
myImage = image;
width = myImage.getWidth();
height = myImage.getHeight();
public void run(){
System.out.println("Running " + threadName);
// Pixel by pixel (for our quarter of the image)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){
// Traversing the image and converting the RGB values (doing the same thing as the sequential code but on a smaller scale)
Color c = new Color(myImage.getRGB(i,j));
int red = (int)(c.getRed() * 0.299);
int green = (int)(c.getGreen() * 0.587);
int blue = (int)(c.getBlue() * 0.114);
Color newColor = new Color(red + green + blue, red + green + blue, red + green + blue);
myImage.setRGB(i,j,newColor.getRGB()); // Write the new value for that pixel
File output = new File("src/pixelsmanipulation/"+threadName+"grayscale.jpg"); // Put it in a "lower level" folder so we can see it in the project view
try {
ImageIO.write(newImage, "jpg", output);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Parallel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("Thread " + threadName + " exiting. ---");
Creating thread-1
Creating thread-2
Creating thread-3
Creating thread-4
Sequential code executed in 5 ms.
Running thread-2
Running thread-1
Running thread-3
Thread thread-1 exiting. ---
Thread thread-2 exiting. ---
Thread thread-3 exiting. ---
Running thread-4
Thread thread-4 exiting. ---
Multithreaded (parallel) code executed in 5 ms.
編輯2:正如Gee Bee所說,這很可能是由於慢速度似乎只發生在HDD而不是SSD上的事實的組合,這是由於我正在寫入文件線程,並且這通常在HDD上較慢。取出文件編寫代碼會使線程運行得更快,並且只需在SSD上運行即可(儘管我認爲寫入線程內的文件並非真正最佳,應該避免)。
嘗試取出文件寫入,看看它是如何影響你的結果。這很可能是每個線程花費最多的時間。另外,您可以添加更多的日誌語句(帶時間戳)來查看延遲的位置。 – pcarter
不幸的是,我似乎無法複製延遲,現在我在不同的機器上,比我最初。這可能是處理器之間的差異(都是四核)嗎?我會嘗試從原始機器獲取日誌。 – Touchdown