2013-10-23 97 views


values = {$1,$2,$3,$4} 
items = {blue,yellow,green,red} 
weights = {1,2,3,4} 
capacity = 4 


 1  2  3 4  

1  $1  $1 $1 $1 
     {1} {1} {1} {1}  
2  $1  $1 $3  $3 
     {1} {1} {1,2} {1,2} 
3  $1  $1 $3  $3  
     {1} {1} {1,2} {1,2} 
4  $1  $1 $3  $3  <--- should be 4? 
     {1} {1} {1,2} {1,2} 



有在上面的電池問題右邊/底部,應該說$ 4 {1,3}。但即使它沒有,右邊/底部的單元應該說4美元{4},所以它也出現了錯誤。 – harold


@harold所以在位置(3,3)應該說{1,3}? – Woot4Moo


我的意思是位置(3,4),也就是你指出的 – harold




#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <algorithm> 
using namespace std; 

// m[a][b] = NOWAY => There's no way to represent 
// weight `b` with first `a` items 
const int NOWAY = -1; 
typedef vector<vector<int>> vvi; 

const int values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
const string items[] = {"blue", "yellow", "green", "red"}; 
const int weights[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 
const int capacity = 4; 
const int itemcount = 4; 

void rec(vvi const & m, int represent, int mx, vvi & sol); 

int main() { 
    // m[i][j] -- total value 
    // i -- items 1..i were taken 
    // j -- total weight of those items 
    vvi m(itemcount + 1, vector<int>(capacity + 1, NOWAY)); 

    // No items weight nothing. The other values we're yet to build 
    m[0][0] = 0; 
    for (int i = 1; i <= itemcount; ++i) { 
     m[i] = m[i - 1]; 
     int w = weights[i - 1]; 
     // Find new representations 
     for (int j = capacity - w; j >= 0; --j) { 
      if (m[i][j] != NOWAY) { 
       m[i][j + w] = max(m[i][j + w], m[i][j] + values[i - 1]); 
    // Output table 
    for (int i = 0; i <= itemcount; ++i) { 
     for (int j = 0; j <= capacity; ++j) 
      m[i][j] == NOWAY ? cout << "x " : cout << m[i][j] << ' '; 
     cout << endl; 
    cout << endl; 
    // Find the index of the best solution (it's always in the last row) 
    int mxi = 0; 
    for (int i = 1; i <= capacity; ++i) 
     if (m.back()[mxi] < m.back()[i]) 
      mxi = i; 
    // Recurse to get all the representations 
    vvi solutions; 
    rec(m, mxi, itemcount, solutions); 
    // Output them 
    for (int i = 0, ilen = solutions.size(); i < ilen; ++i) { 
     cout << '{'; 
     bool f = true; 
     for (int j = 0, jlen = solutions[i].size(); j < jlen; ++j) { 
      if (!f) cout << ", "; 
      cout << items[solutions[i][j]]; 
      f = false; 
     cout << "}" << endl; 

vector<int> path; 
void rec(vvi const & m, int represent, int mx, vvi & sol) { 
    if (represent == 0) { 
    if (mx <= 0) return; 
    for (int i = mx - 1; i >= 0; --i) { 
     if (represent < weights[i]) 
     if (m.back()[represent - weights[i]] == m.back()[represent] - values[i]) { 
      rec(m, represent - weights[i], i, sol); 


0 x x x x 
0 1 x x x 
0 1 2 3 x 
0 1 2 3 4 
0 1 2 3 4 

{blue, green} 



啊最直觀的位置。 – Woot4Moo


不應該第一行全是1(不是'1 0 0 0')?對於重量小於或等於當前重量的物品,每個單元格通常會代表最好的做法(否則,您的最終檢查必須循環搜索某些值才能找到最佳值,而不是僅返回角點單元格)。 – Dukeling


@Dukeling你不能代表2和更多的重量只有一個重量爲1的產品。 –