2016-05-01 24 views

當OS X中的某個應用程序有多個窗口(許多打開的文檔,每個窗口都在自己的窗口中)時,似乎它們共享相同的系統菜單,至少在FLTK中。有沒有辦法找到最近選擇的窗口從菜單中發送一個事件給它?Mac OS X中的FLTK窗口共享相同的系統菜單

這裏是我的設置(Mac OS X 10.6.2,FLTK 1.3.3):有Shell類與系統菜單。每一次新的文檔被打開,新Shell創建:

#ifdef __APPLE__ 
void Shell::macOpen(const char *fileName) 
    // If there are empty shell, open the model in it 
    if (s_empty != 0) 
     s_empty = 0; 
    // Otherwise, create new shell with the model 
     char *args[1]; 
     args[0] = (char *) fileName; 
     new Shell(1, args, s_conf, s_dct, fileName, 1); 

然後我跟蹤的最近選擇Shell將其保存到static Shell *Shell::s_current

int Shell::handle(int event) 
    case FL_FOCUS: 
#ifdef __APPLE__ 
     // We just selected some shell, it is current. 
     s_current = this; 
     cout << "Select shell with address: [" << s_current << "]" << endl; 
     return 1; 


Select shell with address: [0x8206db0] 
Select shell with address: [0x82375f0] 
Select shell with address: [0x5d20650] 
Select shell with address: [0x82375f0] 


Shell *Shell::currentShell(Fl_Widget *w) 
    cout << "Widget address: [" << w << "]" << endl; 
    Shell *result = 0; 
    if (w != 0) 
     result = (Shell *) w->window(); 
     cout << "Widget wingow address: [" << result << "]" << endl; 
#ifdef __APPLE__ 
     result = s_current; 
     cout << "Last selected shell address: [" << result << "]" << endl; 
    return result; 


void Shell::shortcutCB(Fl_Widget *w, void *data) 
    cout << "Shortcut" << endl; 
    Shell *ref = currentShell(w); 
    if (ref != 0) 

當這個回調是從菜單中執行多Shell s爲開,我得到以下錯誤:

Bus error 




解決的問題有以下3個步驟:在OS X

  1. 聲明馬努酒吧也是靜態的(這裏是失敗):

    #ifdef __APPLE__ 
        static Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar *s_menubar; 
        Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar *m_menubar; 
  2. 保存當前Shell::s_current不僅FL_FOCUS事件,但在任何由Shell處理的事件中,也就是每次返回1時:

    int Shell::handle(int event) 
        int result = 0; 
        switch (event) 
         // Set result = 1 when handling the event 
    #ifdef __APPLE__ 
        if (result == 1) 
         // We just selected some shell, it is current. 
         s_current = this; 
         cout << "Select shell with address: [" << s_current << "]" << endl; 
        return result; 
  3. 使用Shell::s_current對OS X的菜單回調無論生成調用控件的:

    Shell *Shell::currentShell(Fl_Widget *w) 
        Shell *result = 0; 
    #ifdef __APPLE__ 
        result = s_current; 
        cout << "Last selected shell address: [" << result << "]" << endl; 
        cout << "Widget address: [" << w << "]" << endl; 
        if (w != 0) 
         result = (Shell *) w->window(); 
         cout << "Widget wingow address: [" << result << "]" << endl; 
        return result; 