@echo off
::The code below requests for the user to enter part of the file name
::that he/she is interested in opening. This either provides a file name
::or provides a list of similar file names. I would like to take the list
::and create a numbered list from the user can select by entering the
::associated number.
echo Please enter part of the file name that you would like to search for.
set INPUT=%input%
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
dir Template_VBAForm*%INPUT%*.xlsm /b /s
至少可以幫助你''Rem'ark你的腳本,以便我們知道每行代碼的目的是做什麼。在你的代碼要求'Y'或'N'作爲輸入的時候,這意味着'%resp%'會做一個遞歸的'Dir'尋找一個名爲'Template_VBAForm * Y * .xlsm'或者'Template_VBAForm * N * .xlsm'。 '2'&'3'行實際上什麼都不做,這是用意嗎? – Compo
@Compo請看我編輯的代碼。我偶然輸入了測試代碼。 – 1QuickQuestion
你實際上在說,這是一些代碼,它不會做我想做的事情,我也沒有試圖改變它!我建議你使用'for'循環來運行'dir',將結果文件名保存爲變量並將它們輸出爲順序編號的列表。 – Compo