select *
from table1
where (select count(*)
from (select rownum n
from table2
where rownum <= sysdate - table1.date_from + 1)
where to_char(table1.date_from + n - 1, 'D') <> 6
and to_char(table1.date_from + n - 1, 'D') <> 7
and not exists (select 1
from holidays
where table1.date_from + n - 1 between holiday_from and holiday_to)) > 14;
(select rownum n
from table2
where rownum <= sysdate - table1.date_from + 1)
(1級深度的限制)。我嘗試使用CONNECT BY:
select *
from table1
where (select count(*)
from dual
where to_char(table1.date_from + LEVEL - 1, 'D') <> 6
and to_char(table1.date_from + LEVEL - 1, 'D') <> 7
and not exists (select 1
from holidays
where table1.date_from + LEVEL - 1 between holiday_from and holiday_to)
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= sysdate - table1.date_from + 1) > 14;
and not exists (select 1 from holidays
where table1.date_from + LEVEL - 1 between holiday_from and holiday_to)
@Lalit Kumar B:使用WITH子句解決了1級深度限制的問題。
select *
from table1
where (with counter as (select rownum n
from table2
where rownum <= 40)
select count(*)
from counter
where sysdate - n >= table1.date_from
and to_char(sysdate - n, 'D') <> DECODE('N', 'T', '-1', '6')
and to_char(sysdate - n, 'D') <> DECODE('N', 'T', '-1', '7')
and not exists (select 1
from holidays
where sysdate - n between holiday_from and holiday_to)) > 14;
你可以把它的工作,才使嵌套子查詢的WITH子句擺脫SQL的限制。我使用了遞歸子查詢保理,請參閱我的答案。 – 2015-04-03 10:49:11
感謝您的反饋並向我們展示最終實施。 – 2015-04-07 09:05:21