我有20個圖像,我循環顯示健身鍛鍊。更新圖像時(即從第1幀到第2幀),整個imageView閃爍。這隻發生在Android上,在iOS上它工作正常。Appcelerator ImageView,更改android上的圖像閃爍/閃爍

這裏是它發生的視頻https://youtu.be/-CufuQErQ58 這是在模擬器上,但它也發生在我測試過的所有Android設備上。


exports.imagesWindow = function(exercise, noOfImages) { 
    var win = new SS.ui.win('landscape'); 
    var imgCount = 0; 

    var header = new SS.ui.view(win, '10%', '100%'); header.top = 0; header.visible = true; header.backgroundColor = SS.ui.colors[0]; 
    var cueText = new SS.ui.normalLabel(header, "some text", 7); cueText.color = 'white'; 

    //var imgLeft = new SS.ui.responsiveImage({container:win, top:'10%', left:'2%', height: '75%', width: '30%', zoom: 0.3}); 
    //var imgCenter = new SS.ui.responsiveImage({container:win, top: '10%', left: '35%', height: '75%', width: '30%', zoom: 0.3}); 
    //var imgRight = new SS.ui.responsiveImage({container:win, top:'10%', left: '68%', height:'75%', width:'30%', zoom: 0.3}); 

    if (noOfImages === 3) { 
     imgLeft = new ImagePanel(win, '17%'); 
     imgCenter = new ImagePanel(win, '50%'); 
     imgRight = new ImagePanel(win, '83%'); 

    else { 
     imgLeft = new ImagePanel(win, '30%'); 
     imgRight = new ImagePanel(win, '70%'); 

    function updateImages() { 
     cueText.text = (eval(exercise + "Cues"))[imgCount]; 
     instructionNumber.text = (imgCount+1) + "/20"; 

     if (noOfImages === 3) { 
      imgLeft.image = '/images/instructionImages/' + exercise + "/" + exercise + '_front_' + imgCount + '.jpg'; 
      imgCenter.image = '/images/instructionImages/' + exercise + "/" + exercise + '_side_' + imgCount + '.jpg'; 
      imgRight.image = '/images/instructionImages/' + exercise + "/" + exercise + '_back_' + imgCount + '.jpg'; 

      //SS.log("image updated: " + imgLeft.image + " " + imgCenter.image + " " + imgRight.image); 

     else { 
      imgLeft.image = '/images/instructionImages/' + exercise + "/" + exercise + '_front_' + imgCount + '.jpg'; 
      imgRight.image = '/images/instructionImages/' + exercise + "/" + exercise + '_side_' + imgCount + '.jpg'; 


    var homeView = new SS.ui.view(win, '12%', '30%'); homeView.center = {x: '5%', y: '92%'}; homeView.visible = true; 

    var home = new SS.ui.dateButton(homeView, 'footer/home'); 
     home.addEventListener('click', function(){ if (start){ clearInterval(start); }; win.close(); });  

    var footerView = new SS.ui.view(win, '12%', '30%'); footerView.center = {x: '50%', y: '92%'}; footerView.visible = true; 

    var prevImg = new SS.ui.dateButton(footerView, 'footer/prevFrame'); prevImg.left = 0; 
     //prevImg.height = Ti.UI.SIZE;prevImg.width = Ti.UI.SIZE; 
     prevImg.addEventListener('click', goToPrev); 

    var nextImg = new SS.ui.dateButton(footerView, 'footer/nextFrame'); //nextImg.height = Ti.UI.SIZE; nextImg.width = Ti.UI.SIZE; 
     nextImg.addEventListener('click', goToNext); nextImg.right = 0; 

    var stopPlayBtn = new SS.ui.dateButton(footerView, 'footer/playVideo'); //stopPlayBtn.height = Ti.UI.SIZE;stopPlayBtn.width = Ti.UI.SIZE; 
     stopPlayBtn.addEventListener('click', stopPlay); 

    var numberView = new SS.ui.view(win, '12%', '30%'); numberView.center = {x: '95%', y: '92%'}; numberView.visible = true; 
    var instructionNumber = new SS.ui.normalLabel(numberView, (imgCount+1) + "/20", 5); 


    var start; 

    function stopPlay() { 

      // start videos 
     if (stopPlayBtn.image.indexOf('play')>=0) { cueText.visible = false; start = setInterval(goToNext, 200); stopPlayBtn.image = '/images/footer/stopVideo.png';} 
      // stop vidoes 
     else { clearInterval(start); cueText.visible = true; stopPlayBtn.image = '/images/footer/playVideo.png'; } 


    function goToPrev() { 
     if (imgCount > 0) { imgCount--; } 
     else { imgCount = 19; }; 
     SS.log("imgCount: " + imgCount); 


    function goToNext() { 
     if (imgCount < 19) { imgCount++; } 
     else { imgCount = 0; }; 
     SS.log("imgCount: " + imgCount); 



    return win; 


var ImagePanel = function(viewToAdd, cX) { 
     var imageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({ 
      width: '30%', 
      borderColor: 'white', 
      center: {x: cX, y: '50%'} 



     //resize for tablets 
     if(Ti.Platform.osname.indexOf('ipad') >=0) { 
      imageView.height = '45%'; 
      imageView.borderWidth = 8; 
      imageView.borderRadius = 12; 

     else { 
      imageView.height = '65%'; 
      imageView.borderWidth = 4; 
      imageView.borderRadius = 6; 

     return imageView; 


所以經過多一點挖我發現這篇文章 - http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Image_Best_Practices



一個愚蠢的問題 - 爲什麼不預先編輯這些圖像短片和放電影,而不是旋轉圖像的? – developer82


我希望用戶能夠逐幀瀏覽它,因爲我們還會爲練習的每個步驟呈現一些小文本。我不相信你可以使用Ti.Media.VideoPlayer來做到這一點。 –




  • 與新的圖像添加其他視圖容器視圖
  • 在從容器視圖0級



<View id="container"></View> 


// first image 
var img = Ti.UI.createImageView(); 

function changeImage(){ 
    // changing images and remove the old one 
    var img = Ti.UI.createImageView(); 
    $.container.remove($.container.getChildren()[0]); // or fade out 

你的意思是在同一時間添加2張圖片?那麼帶有圖像的視圖將位於實際的imageView下方? –


增加了一些更多的僞代碼來獲得這個想法。它就像一個photoshop組,然後添加另一個圖層並刪除底部圖層。所以你不會彈出一個空白/空白屏幕 – miga