H45_134, 190
H45_180, 143
從本質上講,我試圖讓是設備訂單上所使用的不同設備和次數。在上面的輸出中,「H45_134」是設備製造編號,190是設備在訂單上使用的總次數。 190是訂單上生產線數量的總和,但僅限於設備製造編號匹配的位置。
SELECT distinct he1.[Mfg_Number] as HingeDeviceOneLocation,
(select sum(lineqty)
FROM [MQPDatabase].[dbo].[Hinge_Edge] he2 inner join lineinfo li on li.ctr=he2.lineinfoctr
inner join order_header oh on oh.ctr=li.order_headerctr
where location_1 >0
and location_2 =0
and location_3 = 0
and location_4=0
and location_5=0
and oh.jobnum='T35204D'
and he1.mfg_number=he2.mfg_number) as DeviceQty
FROM [MQPDatabase].[dbo].[Hinge_Edge] he1 inner join lineinfo li on li.ctr=he1.lineinfoctr
inner join order_header oh on oh.ctr=li.order_headerctr
where location_1 >0
and location_2 =0
and location_3 = 0
and location_4=0
and location_5=0
and oh.jobnum='T35204D'