2017-06-20 36 views

我有兩個SQL選擇語句在php $ resultA和$ resultB中的數組。該數組使用mysqli_fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)構建。我想比較每個科目的成績,並得到改進,減少或保持相同的結果。最佳做法是將數組中的這些值進行比較,並將結果添加到新字段的數組末尾(即ReadingPerformance,MathPerformance,SciencePerformance,& AttendancePerformance),以便可以訪問它們以便在表中顯示比較PHP中的數組值和更新表

Array ([mID] => 1 [mFirst] => Mike [mLast] => Davis [mNumber] => 123456789 [mSchool] => SSAS [mGrade] => 8 [gID] => 0 [gYear] => 2017 [gReading] => A [gMath] => A [gScience] => B [gSemester] => Q1 [gDaysAbsent] => 1) 
Array ([mID] => 1 [mFirst] => Mike [mLast] => Davis [mNumber] => 123456789 [mSchool] => SSAS [mGrade] => 8 [gID] => 1 [gYear] => 2017 [gReading] => B [gMath] => B [gScience] => A [gSemester] => Q2 [gDaysAbsent] => 4) 


enter image description here




我認爲你已經訂購了你的查詢,可能是通過mID,這將使這種方式更容易。 我的建議是,你創建一個數組,你收集你的數據,然後通過它循環創建表(我會順序寫出來,但你應該考慮把它分成類方法)。注意:這是未經測試的。

// execute the query 
$result = mysqli_query($handler, $query); 

// create a stack to collect the data 
$data = array(); 

// the table header, will also be used to store values in order 
$metaData = array(
    'mID' => 'MemberID(system)', 
    'mFirst' => 'First Name', 
    // other meta data (make sure you use the field names)... 

$grades = array(
    'gReading' => 'Reading', 
    'gMath' => 'Math', 
    'gScience' => 'Science', 
    'gDaysAbsent' => 'Absent' 

// create a table header 
$tableHeader = $metaData; 
// create 3 fields for each subject 
foreach ($grades as $fieldname => $headline) { 
    $tableHeader[$fieldname . 'Q2'] = $headline . ' Q2'; 
    $tableHeader[$fieldname . 'Q1'] = $headline . ' Q1'; 
    $tableHeader[$fieldname . 'Performance'] = $headline . ' Performance'; 

// read each row of the result 
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { 
    // we haven't handled this user before 
    if (!array_key_exists($row['mID'], $data)) { 
     // create a row with the meta data 
     $tableRow = array(); 
     foreach ($metaData as $fieldname => $headline) { 
      $tableRow[$fieldname] = $row[$fieldname]; 
    } else { 
     // fetch this users previous data 
     $tableRow = $data[$row['mID']]; 
    // populate the grades for this quarter and calculate the performance 
    foreach ($grades as $gradename => $headline) { 
     // f.ex. gReadingQ1 
     $tableRow[$gradename . $row['gSemester']] = $row[$gradename]; 
     // calculate the performance 
     if ($tableRow[$gradename . 'Q1'] && $tableRow[$gradename . 'Q2']) { 
      // TODO: do some magic here 
      // f.ex. calculate the number of the letter in the alphabet and get the average 
      $tableRow[$gradename . 'Performance'] = 'SOMETHING'; 
    // store the row 
    $data[$row['mID']] = $tableRow; 

// TODO: create the table in whatever format you want 

涵蓋了大部分,但我有兩個包含數據的查詢兩個數組。對每個數組執行此操作,然後將它們處理到第三個數組中? – user3107710


爲什麼你有兩個疑問?結果看起來像是來自同一張桌子。如果是這種情況,你應該使你的查詢更通用(f.ex.'學期IN(「Q1」,「Q2」)',以避免太頻繁地觸擊數據庫。 如果你確實需要做兩個查詢,結果是一個數組,而不是while循環來獲取行對你的結果棧做foreach。 – masterfloda