<div class="calender">
<span class="detail_button_left"> </span>
<a class="detail_bg" id="prev_button" href="<?php echo base_url() . "calender/". $previous_month;?>" >Previous</a>
<span class="detail_button_right"> </span>
<div class="calender_next_btn">
<span class="detail_button_left"> </span>
<a class="detail_bg" id="next_button" href="<?php echo base_url() . "calender/". $next_month; ?>" >Next</a>
<span class="detail_button_right"> </span>
<h1><?php echo "<strong>".$current_month_text."</strong>";?></h1>
<div class="layout-grid">
<table cellspacing="0">
for($i=0; $i< $total_rows; $i++)
for($j=0; $j<7;$j++)
if($day>0 && $day<=$total_days_of_current_month)
//YYYY-MM-DD date format
$date_form = "$current_year/$current_month/$day";
echo '<td';
//check if the date is today
if($date_form == $today)
echo ' id="today"';
//check if any event stored for the date
//adding the date_has_event class to the <td> and close it
echo ' class="date_has_event"> '.$day;
//adding the eventTitle and eventContent wrapped inside <span> & <li> to <ul>
echo '<div class="events"><ul>';
foreach ($events as $key=>$event)
if ($key == $day)
foreach ($event as $single)
echo '<li>';
echo anchor("events_detail/$single->url",
'<span class="title">'.$single->event_title.
'</span><span class="desc">'.character_limiter(strip_tags(stripslashes($single->description)),100).
echo '</li>';
} // end of for each $event
} // end of foreach $events
echo '</ul></div>';
} // end of if(array_key_exists...)
//if there is not event on that date then just close the <td> tag
echo '> '.$day;
echo "</td>";
//showing empty cells in the first and last row
echo '<td class="padding"> </td>';
echo "</tr><tr>";
function calender($slug=0)
$timeid = $this->uri->segment(3);
$time = time();
$time = $timeid;
$today = date("Y/n/j", time());
$data['today']= $today;
$current_month = date("n", $slug);
$data['current_month'] = $current_month;
$current_year = date("Y", $slug);
$data['current_year'] = $current_year;
$current_month_text = date("F Y", $slug);
$data['current_month_text'] = $current_month_text;
$total_days_of_current_month = date("t", $slug);
$data['total_days_of_current_month']= $total_days_of_current_month;
$first_day_of_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year);
$data['first_day_of_month'] = $first_day_of_month;
//geting Numeric representation of the day of the week for first day of the month. 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday).
$first_w_of_month = date("w", $first_day_of_month);
$data['first_w_of_month'] = $first_w_of_month;
//how many rows will be in the calendar to show the dates
$total_rows = ceil(($total_days_of_current_month + $first_w_of_month)/7);
$data['total_rows']= $total_rows;
//trick to show empty cell in the first row if the month doesn't start from Sunday
$day = -$first_w_of_month;
$data['day']= $day;
$next_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month+1,1,$current_year);
$data['next_month']= $next_month;
$next_month_text = date("F \'y", $next_month);
$data['next_month_text']= $next_month_text;
$previous_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month-1,1,$current_year);
$data['previous_month']= $previous_month;
$previous_month_text = date("F \'y", $previous_month);
$data['previous_month_text']= $previous_month_text;
$next_year = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year+1);
$data['next_year']= $next_year;
$next_year_text = date("F \'y", $next_year);
$data['next_year_text']= $next_year_text;
$previous_year = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year-1);
$previous_year_text = date("F \'y", $previous_year);
$data['previous_year_text']= $previous_year_text;
$today = date("Y/n/j", time());
$data['today']= $today;
$current_month = date("n", $time);
$data['current_month'] = $current_month;
$current_year = date("Y", $time);
$data['current_year'] = $current_year;
$current_month_text = date("F Y", $time);
$data['current_month_text'] = $current_month_text;
$total_days_of_current_month = date("t", $time);
$data['total_days_of_current_month']= $total_days_of_current_month;
$first_day_of_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year);
$data['first_day_of_month'] = $first_day_of_month;
//geting Numeric representation of the day of the week for first day of the month. 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday).
$first_w_of_month = date("w", $first_day_of_month);
$data['first_w_of_month'] = $first_w_of_month;
//how many rows will be in the calendar to show the dates
$total_rows = ceil(($total_days_of_current_month + $first_w_of_month)/7);
$data['total_rows']= $total_rows;
//trick to show empty cell in the first row if the month doesn't start from Sunday
$day = -$first_w_of_month;
$data['day']= $day;
$next_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month+1,1,$current_year);
$data['next_month']= $next_month;
$next_month_text = date("F \'y", $next_month);
$data['next_month_text']= $next_month_text;
$previous_month = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month-1,1,$current_year);
$data['previous_month']= $previous_month;
$previous_month_text = date("F \'y", $previous_month);
$data['previous_month_text']= $previous_month_text;
$next_year = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year+1);
$data['next_year']= $next_year;
$next_year_text = date("F \'y", $next_year);
$data['next_year_text']= $next_year_text;
$previous_year = mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year-1);
$previous_year_text = date("F \'y", $previous_year);
$data['previous_year_text']= $previous_year_text;
$this->load->view('calender', $data);