我正在使用webrtc,並且我想避免使用libcmt,因爲報告鏈接中有錯誤。這是錯誤:webrtc - 禁用libcmt
LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj) : error LNK2005: __invalid_parameter already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR120D.dll)
# Although base/allocator lets you select a heap library via an
# environment variable, the libcmt shim it uses sometimes gets in
# the way. To disable it entirely, and switch to normal msvcrt, do e.g.
# 'win_use_allocator_shim': 0,
# 'win_release_RuntimeLibrary': 2
# to ~/.gyp/include.gypi, gclient runhooks --force, and do a release build.
'win_use_allocator_shim%': 1, # 1 = shim allocator via libcmt; 0 = msvcrt