\subsection{Part A2.1.6}
The Xsi2-distrubution with h=40 and 1\% significance gives 63.7(22.2) which
is significantly smaller than both Ljung-Box applied to the linear and
quadratic residuals, from which we can conclude that the residuals are not iid,
and that the linear and quadratic models are not as good as wanted.
\caption{Plot of raw and deseasonalized dat}
\section{Part A2.2}
\subsection{Part A2.2.1}
The main qualitative difference between the plots/roots is that we have an
converging oscillating function for the complex roots while the real values
gives us a weakly oscillating converging function.
嘗試切換h!以H爲文件中的所有數字,這工作。然而,包裝變得幾乎不存在,在他們自己的頁面上留下小塊,這不是最佳的... – 2009-11-19 21:15:11
如果你想要文字環繞圖/繪圖/表,使用wrapfig包。另外,爲什麼你使用\ hspace * {}?此外,你可能更好的是指定一個明確的/高度爲你的數字,因爲大多數光柵圖像不包含邊界框信息,因此,在我的腦海裏,比例是一個較小的選項... – Mica 2009-11-19 22:18:42
順便說一句,你應該刪除\\並用空行替換它 – 2009-11-20 04:40:34