2017-10-06 106 views

我是使用下面的命令的新手。我在git bash中運行了這個命令,但無法創建標記。使用curl命令進行git發佈

curl -s -k -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" "https://github.com/XXXXXX/custom-component/releases?1.2," -d '{ "user" : { 'email' : 'XXXXXXX', 'password' : 'XXXXX'} ,"tag_name": "1.2.1", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "1234", "body": "Release of version 1234", "draft": false, "prerelease": false}' -b cookie 



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我懷疑這個格式不正確JSON是原因。 (JSON只有雙引號,從來沒有單引號)。但是你能否粘貼命令輸出? (當然,看完後一個更多的時間,單引號打破了'-d'說法,所以你總得去解決它) – Arount


@Arount它像一些HTML輸出 – Abinaya


如果我改變api.github.com獲得錯誤如**「消息」:「未找到」,**如何發送請求? – Abinaya



首先,你應該使用api.github.com。其次,您需要將Authorization token傳遞到您的標題中。例如。

curl -v -H "Authorization: token TOKEN" https://api.github.com/repos/octodocs-test/test 

您可以在your personal access token page上找到您的個人訪問令牌。如果你沒有一個,你可以create之一。


curl -v -s \ 
    -H "Authorization: token xxxxxxxxx" \ 
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ 
    "https://api.github.com/repos/:owner/:repo/releases" \ 
    -d '{ "user" : { "email" : "XXXXXXX", "password" : "XXXXX"}, "tag_name": "1.2.1", "target_commitish": "master", "name": "1234", "body": "Release of version 1234", "draft": false, "prerelease": false}' 

參見:GitHub API v3 | GitHub Developer Guide

檢查在REST API v3 Releases docs page的可用版本相關的端點,例如:

  • 通過標籤名獲得釋放:GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/tags/:tag
  • 創建發佈:POST /repos/:owner/:repo/releases

參見:How to use Github Release API to make a release without source code?