2017-03-17 41 views



對於那些不知道它是什麼的人: 給我們一個名爲card.raw的文件,其中有一些刪除的照片。我們的任務是實施一個程序,可以做一些取證(田園詩般的),並恢復丟失的照片。


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdint.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    if (argc != 2) 

     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./recover file\n"); 
     return 1; 

    //declaring pointer infile and giving the address of argv[1]; 
    char *infile = argv[1]; 

    //Opening file 
    FILE *raw_data; 
    raw_data = fopen(infile, "r"); 

    //Checking for NULL error 
    if(raw_data == NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file.\n"); 
     return 2; 

    uint8_t buffer[512];    //Delcaring unsigned int variable type. Array of 512 bytes. 
    int counter = 0;     //Declaring counter for counting jpegs files 

    FILE *outfile;     //Setting pointer named outfile for printing here 

    char filename[8];     //declaring 'filename' variable for storing the file's name 

    //While we can reads blocks of memory of 512 bytes from raw_data (aka the address from the infile) into buffer: 
    while (fread(buffer, 512, 1, raw_data)) 
     //Condition for tracking the first bytes that form a JPEG file 
     if(buffer[0] == 0xff && 
      buffer[1] == 0xd8 && 
      buffer[2] == 0xff && 
      (buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) 

       if(counter == 0)        //If this is the 1st file, then name the file with 
                  //counter value with 3 digits (%03d) 
        sprintf(filename, "%03d.jpg", counter); // And 3 digits (%i3) 
        outfile = fopen(filename, "w");   //Open file named outfile in write mode 

       else        //If this is not the first JPG opened, firstly close the 
       {         // current open file, and then open a new one with the 
        fclose(outfile);    // current counter value and 3 digits for its name 
        sprintf(filename, "%03d.jpg", counter); 
        outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); //Open file named 'outfile' in write mode 



     fwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), outfile); /* Write function that takes buffer data (aka the 
                 pointer to the array of elements to be written, 
                 writes 1 byte of elements of the syze buffer (512) 
                 and it writes it to the output, aka 'outfile' */ 
    fclose(outfile);   //Remember to close the last file once we get out of the while-loop 



當我運行check50時,我收到以下消息(我將在一些成功的運行和check50 veredict後附上一個圖像,包含分段錯誤)。 Click here to see the image


非常感謝你的時間和你的幫助人。 StackOVerFlow總是這樣一個尋找指導的好地方。


如果我跑echo $?一旦分割故障提示,我得到的139

Here's the terminal prompt screenshot





#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdint.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
if (argc != 2) 

    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./recover file\n"); 
    return 1; 

//declaring pointer infile and giving the address of argv[1]; 
char *infile = argv[1]; 

//Opening file 
FILE *raw_data; 
raw_data = fopen(infile, "r"); 

//Checking for NULL error 
if(raw_data == NULL) 
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file.\n"); 
    return 2; 

uint8_t buffer[512];    //Delcaring unsigned int variable type. Array of 512 bytes. 

int counter = 0;     //Declaring counter for counting jpegs files 

FILE *outfile;     //Setting pointer named outfile for printing here 

char filename[8];     //declaring 'filename' variable for storing the file's name 

//While we can reads blocks of memory of 512 bytes from raw_data (aka the address from the infile) into buffer: 
while (fread(buffer, 512, 1, raw_data)) 
    //Condition for tracking the first bytes that form a JPEG file 
    if(buffer[0] == 0xff && 
     buffer[1] == 0xd8 && 
     buffer[2] == 0xff && 
     (buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) 

      if(counter != 0)        
       fclose(outfile);      //If this is not the first JPG opened, close previous file 

      sprintf(filename, "%03d.jpg", counter); //print stream to 'filename' the value of 'counter' in 3 digits 
      outfile = fopen(filename, "w");   //Open file named outfile in write mode 
      counter++;        //Add 1 to counter 

     if(counter != 0)       //Don't start writing on a file until the first jpeg is found 
     fwrite(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, outfile);   /* - Write function that takes buffer data 
                    (aka the array of elements to be written) , 
                   - Write a block of 512 bytes of elements 
                    (aka the size of buffer), 
                   - 1 block of 512 bytes at a time, 
                   - And it writes it to the output, aka 'outfile' */ 

fclose(outfile);   //Remember to close the last file once we get out of the while-loop 
return 0; 



謝謝@忙碌的程序員建議c標籤。我是SOF的新手,所以我盡我所能來遵守每一條規則。 我很感激! – Togeri


沒問題,只要記住標記您在此處發佈的代碼的語言以便將來使用。它將吸引更多的用戶回答你的問題。 –


我會的。非常感謝你!確切地說,是 – Togeri





。我前幾天解決了這個問題,但忘了在這裏發佈解決方案。 這正是我修正的@Thomas Dickey,這讓我非常頭疼,但最終做到了。好的錯誤點男人,謝謝! – Togeri