2016-11-15 64 views

我有一個名爲Audit的SQL表。該表中有兩個字段叫UN和CN。我的服務器名稱是analive,DB是DW_ALL。我試圖在excel中捕獲訪問/打開我的工作簿或工作表的用戶名和計算機名,然後將該審計信息寫入我的SQL表。如何使用Excel VBA編寫SQL表

Sub UpdateTable() 

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection 
Dim uSQL As String 
Dim strText As String 
Dim strDate As Date 

strText = ActiveSheet.Range("b4").Value 
''strDate = Format(ActiveSheet.Range("c4").Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")'' 

Set cnn = New Connection 
cnnstr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; " & _ 
     "Data Source=icl-analive; " & _ 
     "Initial Catalog=DW_ALL;" & _ 
     "User ID=ccataldo;" & _ 

cnn.Open cnnstr 

''uSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_ExcelUpdate (CellText,CellDate) VALUES ('" & strText & "', " & strDate & ")"'' 
''uSQL = "INSERT INTO Audit (UN,CN) VALUES (MsgBox Environ("username"), MsgBox   Environ("username""'' 
uSQL = INSERT INTO Audit (UN,CN) VALUES ('MsgBox Environ("username") ', 'MsgBox Environ("username"')) 

Debug.Print uSQL 

cnn.Execute uSQL 
Set cnn = Nothing 
Exit Sub 
End Sub 

重讀您的文章;我不確定自己是否正確理解了您的問題。你可以發佈錯誤代碼,並告訴我們哪一行負責。 –


什麼是錯誤?如果要將工作簿與其他人共享,您是不是需要對用戶進行硬編碼?如果是這樣,不要忘記鎖定宏,使它們不可讀 - 但這不是不可破解的! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/272503/how-do-i-remove-the-password-from-a-vba-project – JiggsJedi


此外,你最好的選擇是創建一個SQL帳戶使用,並給它沒有權限,除了在爲你插入的存儲過程中執行。 – JiggsJedi




Trusted_Connection和User ID是互斥的。當您想要使用Windows帳戶登錄到SQL Server時使用可信連接。用戶名和密碼用SQL account登錄。




下面是寫一個ACCESSDB一個示例腳本。 SQL應與所需的vba語句相似。我希望它可以幫助


Private Sub thisbetheshitmane() 
    Dim db As DAO.Database 
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 
    Dim tb As DAO.TableDef 
    Dim vAr As String 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim y As Integer 
    Dim InCombined As Boolean 
    Dim InOpen As Boolean 
    Dim vbSql As String 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 

    Dim StartTime As Double 
    Dim SecondsElapsed As Double 

    StartTime = Timer 

    Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("C:\Users\dzcoats\Documents\Microsoft.accdb") 

    For Each tb In db.TableDefs 
     If Len(tb.Connect) > 0 Then 
     End If 
    Next tb  

    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [Table_Name].Defect FROM [Table_Name] WHERE [Table_Name].Defect IS NOT NULL;") 

    Dim QResult() As Variant 
    QResult = rst.GetRows(rst.RecordCount) 
    For a = LBound(QResult, 2) To UBound(QResult, 2) 
     vAr = QResult(0, a) 
    Next a 

    For y = LBound(QResult, 2) To UBound(QResult, 2) 
     If vAr <> "Defect" And vAr <> vbNullString And vAr <> "" Then 

      If InCombined = True And InOpen = True Then 
       vbSql = "UPDATE [Table_Name] SET [Table_Name].Status ='Bad Defect Number' WHERE ((([Table_Name].Defect)='" & vAr & "'));" 
       db.Execute vbSql 
      End If 

      If InCombined = False And InOpen = True Then 
       vbSql = "UPDATE [Table_Name] SET [Table_Name].Status ='Completed' WHERE ((([Table_Name].Defect)='" & vAr & "'));" 
       db.Execute vbSql 
      End If 

     End If 
    Next y 

    Set rs = Nothing 
    Set db = Nothing 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 

SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2) 
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation 

End Sub