2013-11-22 184 views

我原本不得不使用STL創建自己的鏈表。現在,我要實現一個複製構造方法,並且我很難理解它。在幾天內對此進行測試,所以我真的很想說清楚。 (測試是封閉的書,所以需要真的)。 該列表包含一個EmployeeNode指針*頭。 EmployeeNode包含一個Employee和一個指向下一個EmployeeNode的指針。 Employee類包含名稱和薪水。鏈接列表複製構造函數


ListOfEmployee::ListOfEmployee(const ListOfEmployee &obj) 
    head = NULL; 

    if(obj.head != NULL) 
     EmployeeNode *newNode = new EmployeeNode("", 0); 
     EmployeeNode *tempPtr; 
     EmployeeNode *newPtr; 

     //using the temp pointer to scroll through the list until it reaches the end 
     for(tempPtr = obj.head; tempPtr->next !=NULL; tempPtr = tempPtr->next) 
      if(head == NULL) 
       cout<<"Attempts to initialize the head"<<endl; 

       head = newNode; //assinging the new node to the head 
       newNode->emp.name = tempPtr->emp.name; 
       newNode->emp.salary = tempPtr->emp.salary; 

       cout<<"Initializes the head"<<endl; 
       cout<<"Attempts to add a new node"<<endl; 

       //using the temp pointer to scroll through the list until it reaches the end 
       for(newPtr = head; newPtr->next !=NULL; newPtr = newPtr->next) 
        cout<<"Looping through the list"<<endl; 

       //assiging the last place to the new node 
       newPtr->next = newNode; 
       newNode->emp.name = tempPtr->emp.name; 
       newNode->emp.salary = tempPtr->emp.salary; 

       cout<<"Adds a new node"<<endl; 



在你的代碼,你在newPtr->next = newNode;你基本上是用以前分配的節點加入newNode。您應該使用new創建一個新節點。例如:

newPtr->next = new EmployeeNode("", 0); 
newNode = newPtr->next; 
newNode->emp.name = tempPtr->emp.name; 
newNode->emp.salary = tempPtr->emp.salary; 

另外,您應該在代碼中設置newNode->next = NULL;


謝謝。現在看起來很明顯! – GermaineJason


另外,newNode-> next在EmployeeNode構造函數中初始化爲NULL。 – GermaineJason