* Generates JasperPrint object from the Template file
* @param Template File Name (String)
* @param Parameters (Map<String, Object>)
* @param Collection of Value Objects (Collection, List, ArrayList)
* @return JasperPrint
private JasperPrint getJRPrint(String tmpltFileLocation, Map<String, Object> params, JRBeanCollectionDataSource dataSource) {
JasperPrint jrPrint = null;
log.info("ReportEngine: compiling " + tmpltFileLocation);
try {
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(tmpltFileLocation);
jrPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, params, dataSource);
} catch (JRException ex) {
return getErrorJRPrint(ex);
return jrPrint;
private JasperPrint getErrorJRPrint(Exception ex) {
JasperPrint errJrPrint = null;
Map<String, Object> errParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
errParams.put("errorMessage", ex.getMessage());
try {
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportFolderName + "errReport.jrxml");
errJrPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, errParams);
} catch (Exception ex2) {
return errJrPrint;
你解決了你的問題嗎? – Bozho 2009-11-21 19:33:13