2016-03-08 47 views

我想做一個乒乓球比賽。目前,我得到球移動,並按下按鍵時,兩個槳移動。但球沒有反彈離開槳。有代碼反彈player2槳,但它似乎不工作。這是我知道的很多代碼。你能幫我弄清楚什麼是錯的嗎?Ping Pong在JavaScript中?

"use strict"; 
// Variables 

var c = document.getElementById("sCanvas"); 
var ctx = sCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
var cHeight = sCanvas.height; 
var cWidth = sCanvas.width; 


//create paddle object 

class Paddle { 
    constructor(x, y) { 
    this.colour = "red"; 
    this.xPoss = x; 
    this.yPoss = y; 
    this.width = 12; 
    this.height = 60; 
    this.speed = 3; 

    drawMe() { 
    ctx.fillStyle = this.colour; 
    ctx.fillRect(this.xPoss, this.yPoss, this.width, this.height); 
} // end paddle object 

//create the sphere object 
class Sphere { 
    constructor() { 
    this.radius = (10); 
    this.colour = "blue"; 
    this.xPos = 65; //Math.random() * cWidth; 
    this.yPos = 100; //Math.random() * cHeight; 
    this.speedY = 5; //* Math.random(); 
    this.speedX = 5; //* Math.random(); 

    drawMe() { 
     //method to draw itself 
     ctx.arc(this.xPos, this.yPos, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); 
     ctx.fillStyle = this.colour; 

    //method to move itself 
    moveMe() { 
     this.yPos += this.speedY; 
     this.xPos += this.speedX; 

     //bounce off the bottom wall 
     if (this.yPos > cHeight - this.radius) { 
     this.speedY = -this.speedY; 

     } //bounce off the top wall 
     else if (this.yPos < 0 + this.radius) { 
     this.speedY = -this.speedY; 

     //stop ball if hit right side 
     if (this.xPos > cWidth) { 
     this.speedX = 0; 
     this.speedY = 0; 

     //bounce off player 2 paddle 
     else if (this.xPos > player2.xPoss && (this.yPos > player2.yPoss && this.yPos < (player2.yPoss + player2.height))) { 
     this.speedX = -this.speedX; 


    //end moveMe function 
} // end Sphere object 

// create game objects 
var ball = new Sphere(); 
var player1 = new Paddle(10, 150); 
var player2 = new Paddle(580, 150); 

// Deal with key presses 
// ********************** 

var keysDown = []; //empty array to store which keys are being held down 


window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { 
    keysDown[event.keyCode] = true; //store the code for the key being pressed 

window.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { 
    delete keysDown[event.keyCode]; 

function checkKeys() { 

    if (keysDown[90]) { 
    if (player1.yPoss > 0) { 
     player1.yPoss = -player1.speed; //z 

    if (keysDown[88]) { 
    if (player1.yPoss < (cHeight - player1.height)) { 
     player1.yPoss += player1.speed; //x 

    if (keysDown[190]) { 
    if (player2.yPoss > 0) { 
     player2.yPoss = -player2.speed; //"." 

    if (keysDown[188]) { 
    if (player2.yPoss < (cHeight - player2.height)) { 
     player2.yPoss += player2.speed; //"," 


// your 2 new sets of code here for 2 more keys for player 2 





// Make the score board 
// ********************** 



// launch the ball from the centre, left and right, on space bar 
// ********************** 


function render() { 
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight); 


render(); //set the animation and drawing on canvas going
<canvas id="sCanvas" width="600" height="400" style="border: solid;"></canvas>


我建議'console.log'ing出這表明發生了衝突的條件。這會告訴你哪一個不正確。 –



我添加了一個簡單的命中盒和檢測器和圖中黑色的框來說明。爲了一致性,將xPoss,yPoss更改爲xPos,yPos。在槳板運動上將= -更改爲-=(向上移動時捕捉到頂部)。更改了class以及JavaScript函數和原型方法。




"use strict"; 
// Variables 

var c = document.getElementById("sCanvas"); 
var ctx = sCanvas.getContext("2d"); 
var cHeight = sCanvas.height; 
var cWidth = sCanvas.width; 


//create paddle object 

function Paddle(x, y) { 

    this.colour = "red"; 
    this.xPos = x; 
    this.yPos = y; 
    this.width = 12; 
    this.height = 60; 
    this.speed = 3; 


Paddle.prototype.drawMe = function() { 
    ctx.fillStyle = this.colour; 
    ctx.fillRect(this.xPos, this.yPos, this.width, this.height); 
}; // end paddle object 


// optimized collision of boxes - Does a hit b? 
function hit(a, b) { 
    // Return immediately when the objects aren't touching. 
    if (
    a.x2 < b.x || // a.right is before b.left 
    b.x2 < a.x || // b.right is before a.left 
    a.y2 < b.y || // a.bottom is before b.top 
    b.y2 < a.y // b.bottom is before a.top 
) { 
    return false; 

    // The objects are touching. It is a hit or collision. 
    return true; 

// does a hit the top of b? 
function hitTop(a, b) { 
    return (a.y2 > b.y && a.y < b.y) ? true : false; 

// does a hit the bottom of b? 
function hitBottom(a, b) { 
    return (a.y < b.y2 && a.y2 > b.y2) ? true : false; 

// Creates an obect of x, y, x2, y2 for hit detection. 
function hitObj(obj) { 

    var h = {x:0, y:0, x2:0, y2:0}; 
    if (obj.radius) { 
    h.x = obj.xPos - obj.radius; 
    h.x2 = obj.xPos + obj.radius; 
    h.y = obj.yPos - obj.radius; 
    h.y2 = obj.yPos + obj.radius; 
    } else { 
    h.x = obj.xPos; 
    h.x2 = obj.xPos + obj.width | (obj.radius * 2); 
    h.y = obj.yPos; 
    h.y2 = obj.yPos + obj.height | (obj.radius * 2); 
    // draw hit box - uncomment to see hit detection 
    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000"; 
    ctx.lineWidth = 5; 
    ctx.strokeRect(h.x, h.y, h.x2 - h.x, h.y2 - h.y); 

    return h; 

//create the sphere object 
function Sphere() { 

    this.radius = (10); 
    this.colour = "blue"; 
    this.xPos = 25; //Math.random() * cWidth; 
    this.yPos = 5; //Math.random() * cHeight; 
    this.speedY = 5; //* Math.random(); 
    this.speedX = 5; //* Math.random(); 

Sphere.prototype.drawMe = function() { 
    //method to draw itself 
    ctx.arc(this.xPos, this.yPos, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); 
    ctx.fillStyle = this.colour; 

Sphere.prototype.moveMe = function() { 
    //method to move itself 

    // save start position. change back to start 
    // position when there's a hit so we don't 
    // get stuck in an object. 
    var pos = { 
    x: this.xPos, 
    y: this.yPos 

    // move 
    this.yPos += this.speedY; 
    this.xPos += this.speedX; 

    //bounce off the bottom wall 
    if (this.yPos > cHeight - this.radius) { 
    this.yPos = pos.y; 
    this.speedY = -this.speedY; 


    } //bounce off the top wall 
    else if (this.yPos < 0 + this.radius) { 
    this.yPos = pos.y; 
    this.speedY = -this.speedY; 
    //stop ball if hit right side 
    if (this.xPos > cWidth) { 
    this.speedX = 0; 
    this.speedY = 0; 

    // Bounce off left and right sides. 
    if ((this.xPos+this.radius) >= cWidth || this.xPos <= 0) { 
    this.xPos = pos.x; 
    this.speedX = -this.speedX; 
    //bounce off player paddle 
    else { 
    var pad1 = hitObj(player1); 
    var pad2 = hitObj(player2); 
    var ball = hitObj(this); 
    if (hit(ball, pad2)) { 
     // hit player2 
     this.xPos = pos.x; 
     this.speedX *= -1; 
     // if the ball travels down and hits top OR 
     // if the ball travels up and hits bottom then bounce back 
     if (
     (this.speedY > 0 && hitTop(ball, pad2)) ||  
     (this.speedY < 0 && hitBottom(ball, pad2)) 
    ) { 
     this.yPos = pos.y; 
     this.speedY *= -1; 
    } else if (hit(ball, pad1)) { 
     // hit player1 
     this.xPos = pos.x; 
     this.speedX *= -1; 
     // if the ball travels down and hits top OR 
     // if the ball travels up and hits bottom then bounce back 
     if (
     (this.speedY > 0 && hitTop(ball, pad1)) ||  
     (this.speedY < 0 && hitBottom(ball, pad1)) 
    ) { 
     this.yPos = pos.y; 
     this.speedY *= -1; 
//end moveMe function 


// create game objects 
var ball = new Sphere(); 
var player1 = new Paddle(10, 150); 
var player2 = new Paddle(580, 150); 

// Deal with key presses 
// ********************** 

var keysDown = []; //empty array to store which keys are being held down 


window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { 
    keysDown[event.keyCode] = true; //store the code for the key being pressed 

window.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { 
    delete keysDown[event.keyCode]; 

function checkKeys() { 

    if (keysDown[90]) { 
    if (player1.yPos > 0) { 
     player1.yPos -= player1.speed; //z 


    if (keysDown[88]) { 
    if (player1.yPos < (cHeight - player1.height)) { 
     player1.yPos += player1.speed; //x 

    if (keysDown[190]) { 
    if (player2.yPos > 0) { 
     player2.yPos -= player2.speed; //"." 

    if (keysDown[188]) { 
    if (player2.yPos < (cHeight - player2.height)) { 
     player2.yPos += player2.speed; //"," 


// your 2 new sets of code here for 2 more keys for player 2 





// Make the score board 
// ********************** 



// launch the ball from the centre, left and right, on space bar 
// ********************** 


function render() { 
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cWidth, cHeight); 


render(); //set the animation and drawing on canvas going
#sCanvas { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 200px; 
<canvas id="sCanvas" width="600" height="400" style="border: solid;"></canvas>