(使用收益率/ Python的迭代器模式...有沒有在Java中任何equivallent我真的很喜歡for item in my collection: yield something_about(many items)
這將是最好的( java)的方式來實現這種行爲?
第一編輯: BTW,我本來也有興趣列表和文件之間的相似映射使用文件和文件時可用從一個Python的點[Python列表,如果中當然,也可以使用Java =>回答:看到使用的傑夫 - 福斯特建議:Apache.IOUtils
def myAcc(instream, start, end):
acc = []
inside = False
for line in instream:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith(start):
inside = True
if inside:
if line.startswith(end):
if acc:
yield acc
acc = []
inside = False
f = open("c:/test.acc.txt")
s = """<c>
this is a test
<b language="en" />
ceci est un test
<b language="fr" />
esta es una prueba
<b language="es" />
f = s.split("\n") # here mimic for a input file...
print "Reading block from <c> tag!"
for buf in myAcc(f, "<c>", "</c>"):
print buf # actually process this inner part... printing is for simplification
print "-" * 10
print "Reading block from <a> tag!"
for buf in myAcc(f, "<a>", "</a>"):
print buf # actually process this inner part...
print "-" * 10
Reading block from <c> tag!
['<c>', '<a>', 'this is a test', '</a>', '<b language="en" />', '</c>']
['<c>', '<a>', 'ceci est un test', '</a>', '<b language="fr" />', '</c>']
['<c>', '<a>', 'esta es una prueba', '</a>', '<b language="es" />', '</c>']
Reading block from <a> tag!
['<a>', 'this is a test', '</a>']
['<a>', 'ceci est un test', '</a>']
['<a>', 'esta es una prueba', '</a>']
所以直接通過下面的傑夫 - 福斯特的回答啓發,這裏是一個試圖解決我的煩惱,做這樣的事情比我的Python代碼:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
interface WorkerThing {
public void doSomething(List<String> acc);
class ThatReadsLargeFiles {
public void readAHugeFile(BufferedReader input, String start, String end, WorkerThing action) throws IOException {
// TODO write some code to read through the file and store it in line
List<String> acc = new ArrayList<String>();
String line;
Boolean inside = false;
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.equals(start)) {
inside = true;
if (inside) {
if (line.equals(end)) {
if (acc != null && !acc.isEmpty()) { // well not sure if both are needed here...
// Here you are yielding control to something else
//acc.clear(); // not sure how to empty/clear a list... maybe : List<String> acc = new ArrayList<String>(); is enough/faster?
acc = new ArrayList<String>(); // looks like this is the *right* way to go!
inside = false;
// ending
public class YieldLikeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String path = "c:/test.acc.txt";
File myFile = new File(path);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(myFile), "UTF8"));
//BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path, "utf8"));
new ThatReadsLargeFiles().readAHugeFile(in, "<a>", "</a>", new WorkerThing() {
public void doSomething(List<String> acc) {
所以這裏是從傑夫 - 福斯特解釋得出,用於存儲ACC答案:
class betweenWorker implements WorkerThing {
private List<String> acc;
public void process(List<String> acc) {
this.acc = acc;
public List<String> getAcc() { return this.acc; }
我r讀縮小你以前無效的代碼。我希望我說得對。 (這就是爲什麼你應該使用空格,而不是縮進標籤,最重要的是,不要混合這兩個) –
謝謝!是的,當我在另一個文本編輯器中粘貼時,我錯過了這一點,只是爲了在此處插入空格來粘貼代碼,所以代碼可以看作是這樣。 – user1340802