2017-07-17 98 views




import QtQuick 2.9 
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 

ApplicationWindow { 
    id: mainWindow 
    visible: true 
    width: 400 
    height: 400 

    Path { 
     id: myPath 
     startX: 0; startY: 20 

     PathCurve { x: 100; y: 40 } 
     PathCurve { x: 200; y: 10 } 
     PathCurve { x: 300; y: 40 } 

    Slider { 
     id: control 
     width: 300 
     height: 50 
     anchors.centerIn: parent 
     background: Rectangle { 
      anchors.fill: parent 
      color: "orange" 
      Canvas { 
       anchors.fill: parent 
       contextType: "2d" 
       onPaint: { 
        context.strokeStyle = "MediumPurple"; 
        context.path = myPath; 
      PathInterpolator { 
       id: motionPath 
       path: myPath 
       progress: control.visualPosition 
     handle: Rectangle { 
      width: 30 
      height: 30 
      radius: 15 
      color: "DodgerBlue" 
      x: motionPath.x - 15 
      y: motionPath.y - 15 

嘿嘿,我也做了同樣的錯誤,看圖像,扣除這是一個滑塊,而不是一個'ScrollBar'。不錯的滑塊解決方案! – derM


這很有創意。 :)請注意,'PathInterpolator'來自Qt Quick,而不是Qt Quick Controls 2。 – Mitch




position -property,如

這個屬性保存的滾動條的位置,縮放到0.0,其是記錄 - 1.0。



Flickable { 
    anchors.fill: parent 

    contentWidth: width 
    contentHeight: mainWindow.height * 10 

    Rectangle { 
     width: 640 
     height: mainWindow.height * 10 
     gradient: Gradient { 
      GradientStop { color: 'orchid'; position: 0 } 
      GradientStop { color: 'orange'; position: 1 } 

    ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { 
     id: scrollBar 
     width: 50 
     contentItem: Item { 
      // This will deal with the bullshit of the position. Imperfect, as I do not consider any margins/paddings 
      property real normalizedPosition: scrollBar.position * (scrollBar.height/(scrollBar.height - height)) 
      Rectangle { 
       // Draw the curve by defining a function for x in dependance of the position. 
       x: Math.sin(Math.PI * parent.normalizedPosition) * 40 
       width: 10 
       height: parent.height // I use the default height, so it 
             // really goes from top to bottom. 
             // A smaller height means, you should 
             // also alter the y value to have a 
             // more natural behavior. 
       radius: 5 
       color: 'green' 
       Text { 
        text: parent.parent.normalizedPosition 