我在casperjs使用phantomjs 1.9.8
casperjs --proxy-type=none --ssl-protocol=any /home/casper-capture.js http://url.com/demo/demo /home/demoScreenshot.png
這是我卡斯珀 - capture.js
* capture image from url and save it to file.
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: "debug",
viewportSize: {
width: 2300,
height: 1200
pageSettings: {
webSecurityEnabled: false,
loadImages: true, // The WebPage instance used by Casper will
loadPlugins: true // use these settings
// delay before image capturing
var delay = 60000;
//timeout delay for loading
var timeoutForLoading = 10 * 60000;
// image source url.
var url = casper.cli.args[0];
// image output path
var path = casper.cli.args[1];
casper.start().zoom(4).thenOpen(url, function urlCaptureClouser() {
this.wait(delay, function(){
casper.waitFor(function check() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
return document.querySelectorAll('.fa-spin').length +
document.querySelectorAll('.chart-loading').length == 0;
}, function then() {
}, function then() {
}, timeoutForLoading);
我得到一個 「空白」 的屏幕。 :-(
[info] [phantom] Starting...
[info] [phantom] Running suite: 2 steps
[debug] [phantom] opening url: <URL>, HTTP GET
[debug] [phantom] Navigation requested: url=<URL>, type=Other, willNavigate=true, isMainFrame=true
[debug] [phantom] url changed to "<URL>"
Error: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'Object.assign.apply')
[debug] [phantom] Successfully injected Casper client-side utilities
[info] [phantom] Step urlCaptureClouser 2/2 <URL> (HTTP 200)
[info] [phantom] Step urlCaptureClouser 2/2: done in 329ms.
[info] [phantom] Step _step 3/3 <URL> (HTTP 200)
[info] [phantom] Step _step 3/3: done in 351ms.
[info] [phantom] wait() finished waiting for 60000ms.
[info] [phantom] Step _step 4/4 <URL> (HTTP 200)
[info] [phantom] Step _step 4/4: done in 60358ms.
[info] [phantom] waitFor() finished in 41ms.
[info] [phantom] Step then 5/5 <URL> (HTTP 200)
[debug] [phantom] Capturing page to /home/dmeo1991.png
[info] [phantom] Capture saved to /home/dmeo1991.png
[info] [phantom] Step then 5/5: done in 60674ms.
[info] [phantom] Done 5 steps in 60674ms
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///usr/lib/node_modules/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
你是如何安裝PhantomJS和CasperJS的?是通過NPM嗎?請註冊到'resource.error','page.error','remote.message'和'casper.page.onResourceTimeout'事件([Example](https://gist.github.com/artjomb/4cf43d16ce50d8674fdf#file -2_caspererrors-JS))。也許有錯誤。 –
謝謝@ArtjomB。讓我試試看。 – TechnoCorner
請查看完整的調試日誌:https://justpaste.it/x8co @ArtjomB。 – TechnoCorner