我試圖使用多種顏色在x軸上突出顯示一個區域。我已經設法找到一個解決方案,沿着x軸分區域,如下圖所示: Pyplot axvspan:一個範圍內的多種顏色(垂直)
編輯 下面是突出顯示每個小節的相關代碼水平
# Find exon's index
e_index = sorted(list(all_samples.ensembl_exon_id.unique())).index(exon)
# Total x-axis span incl offsets
xmin = e_index-0.25 # Start of x-span
xmax = e_index+0.25 # End of x-span
diff = xmax-xmin # Length of entire span
buf = diff/len(s_names) # Length of each subsection
# Go through each sample
for sname in s_names:
# Get color of this sample
s_color = colors[sname]
# Get index of this sample
order = list(s_names).index(sname)
# Calc xmin and xmax for subsection
s_xmin = xmin + (buf * order)
s_xmax = s_xmin + buf
# Highlight
plt.axvspan(xmin=s_xmin, xmax=s_xmax, alpha=0.25, color=s_color, zorder=0.6, ymin=0, ymax=1)
你必須建立一個使用補丁,我認爲:http://matplotlib.org/examples/shapes_and_collections/artist_reference.html沒有看到你的代碼和數據很難說了。 – armatita
@armatita好的,我會研究補丁,謝謝。如果您想查看,我添加了代碼以顯示我目前如何進行突出顯示。 – Plasma