show greeting with choices.
get choice from user
if choice is valid and choice is not exit
prompt user for quantity
if quantity is valid
calculate total and show it to the user
restart program
if quantity is invalid
prompt user for a valid quantity again
if choice is valid and choice is exit
show exit message and exit program
if choice is invalid
show error message and restart program
done = false
while not done
get choice from user
if choice is valid and choice is not exit
prompt user for quantity
if quantity is valid
calculate total and show it to the user
if quantity is invalid
prompt user for a valid quantity again
if choice is valid and choice is exit
done = true
if choice is not valid
show error message
exit program
現在,請注意如何當用戶輸入了一個無效量(即:一些不> 1的整數),我們要求的量一次。多次做同樣的事情?沒錯,那意味着我們應該再次使用另一個while循環。
done = false
while not done
get choice from user
if choice is valid and choice is not exit
haveQuantity = false
while not haveQuantity
prompt user for quantity
get quantity from user
if quantity is valid
haveQuantity = true
calculate total and show it to the user
if choice is valid and choice is exit
done = true
if choice is not valid
show error message
exit program
public class EchoInt
import java.util.Scanner;
public static void main(String[] args)
//Declaration of variables outside the while loop
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); //declaring variables outside of a loop saves space and speeds up execution as the jvm does not need to reallocate space for an object inside the loop.
boolean done = false; //this will be our conditional for the while loop
int input = -1;
while(!done) //while done is equal to false.
System.out.println("Please enter a positive int to echo or 0 to exit: ");
if(scan.hasNextInt()) //If the user has inputted a valid int
input = scan.nextInt(); //set the value of input to that int.
else //The scanner does not have a integer token to consume
THIS IS IMPORTANT. If the scanner actually does have a token
which was not an int. For example if the user entered a string,
you need to consume the token to prepare to accept further tokens.
scan.next(); //Actually consumes the token
input = -1; //This is used to indicate that an invalid input was submitted
if(input == 0) //The user chose to exit the program
done = true; //set done to true to kick out of the while loop
else if(input == -1) //This means the user inputed an invalid input
System.out.println("ERROR! Try again."); //show error message
else //The user inputted valid input
System.out.println("echo: "+input); //Echo the int
scan.close(); //We are done, so close the scanner
System.out.println("Exiting. Goodbye!"); //Show a goodbye message
System.exit(0); //exit the program. The zero tells us we exited without errors.
你的問題又是什麼? – NullUserException 2012-03-29 15:25:08